Special activities

Special activities

The 2024 program is coordinated with the University of Ottawa and partner organizations.

All activities will take place in French only.

A woman standing at a podium during the opening ceremony of the uOttawa Press


Free event

Date: From May 13 to May 17

Location: Learning Crossroads (CRX), near the conference registration and reception desk 

If you can spare a few minutes between symposiums, why not browse through the books on offer by the publishers and university presses at the conference. Among these you will find the University of Ottawa Press, which is the oldest French-language university press and a leader among bilingual university presses in North America. Check out their collections and show your support!

People with coloured squares

Vive les revues savantes! Mieux reconnaître leur rôle essentiel dans le cycle de la recherche

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Monday, May 13, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4007

How can we strengthen and support academic journals that are undergoing major transformations? Some 40 publishers pondered this question during a Quebec symposium on academic journals hosted by Acfas and Érudit in the fall of 2023. The report resulting from these discussions, which included recommendations for the various stakeholders involved in scholarly publication, will be made public during this event.

After the presentation, a panel will discuss the environment in which modern scholarly publishing issues and challenges evolve, followed by a question period with the audience. Lunch and refreshments will be served.

Admission is free but registration is required.

Holograms screens with AI written on it

L’intelligence artificielle : questions, défis et possibilités pour la relève

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Monday, May 13, from noon to 2 p.m.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4004

We are pleased to invite you to this panel, which will discuss and share knowledge on the many facets of AI, with particular focus on its current and future impact on young professionals and researchers.

Join us and participate in this stimulating dialogue on AI issues and perspectives for the next generation.

This activity is designed by and for graduate students and early career researchers.

Admission is free but registration is required.

Light refreshments will be served.

Prix 2023 pour la relève Acfas - Vulgarisation de la recherche

Remise des prix Relève et des prix du Concours de vulgarisation de la recherche de l’Acfas

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Tuesday, May 14, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4007

Come celebrate the next generation of Francophone researchers from Quebec and Canada! This ceremony will award prizes to five winners of the Prix Relève, honouring the next generation of Francophone researchers, along with six winners of the Prix du 31ième Concours de vulgarisation de la recherche de l’Acfas, which rewards scientific popularization. The first five reward graduate-level researchers for the diversity and enrichment of their academic endeavours, while the second six prizes highlight the quality and originality of the winners’ scientific popularization efforts.

This activity is designed by and for graduate students and early career researchers.

Admission is free but registration is required.

100% esprit libre indépendant - La balado de Fred Savard

La balado de Fred Savard au 91e Congrès de l’Acfas

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Tuesday, May 14, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

Location: Under the marquee at University Square, University of Ottawa

To celebrate the 91st Acfas conference, a podcast by Fred Savard, La balado de Fred Savard, will record an episode at uOttawa on the relationship between science and policy. In this ever-changing space, Fred Savard will speak to invited guests who, on a daily basis, work to bridge the gap between the worlds of scientific research and those of public policy and administration in order to respond to the issues of today.  

This episode will be available on all podcast platforms on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Admission is free but registration is required.

Students discussing

Femmes et francophones dans l’environnement scientifique

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4007

This roundtable will bring together four women speaking about their careers, challenges and pleasure in working as francophone scholars, a duality that can at times present limits. They will discuss the place of French in their scholarly activities, as well as challenges they’ve faced as women balancing the demands of family and career. They will also discuss the possibilities offered by various research grant programs that allow them to continue their scholarly work.

Registration is free and compulsory. 

Illustration of people in a crowd

Le 5 à 7 de la relève : diversité des parcours en recherche

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Wednesday, May 15, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Location: Under the marquee at University Square, University of Ottawa

Research career paths are often seen as linear, but in reality, such paths are often much more winding and varied. With this in mind, you are invited to a cocktail hour dedicated to discussing the variety of career paths in research.  

This event, presented in a world café format, invites the next generation of researchers to discuss varied career paths with our panelists. You can also contribute your own experiences, challenges and successes. This promises to be an opportunity to celebrate the variety of career paths that a background in research provides.

This activity is designed by and for graduate students and early career researchers.

Admission is free but registration is required.

Michelle O'Bonsawin

Psychiatrie légale : une conversation avec l’honorable Michelle O’Bonsawin

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Wednesday, May 15, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Location: Desmarais Building (DMS), Camille Villeneuve Room (4th floor)

While they are more likely to be victims of violence than the rest of the population, people living with mental health issues are too often stigmatized when accused of or sentenced for criminal offences. Research on forensic psychiatry has studied this problem and was a key part of the work done by current Supreme Court justice the Hon. Michelle O’Bonsawin before she was named to the country’s highest court. Justice O’Bonsawin will share her knowledge and reflections on this major social issue.

Registration is free and required.

Learn more about this event (in French only)

Le prochain chapitre de l’évaluation de l’excellence en recherche

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Thursday, May 16, from noon to 1:30 p.m. 

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4007

The assessment of excellence in research must include more diversity, in terms of research contribution scope and results. In keeping with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), the CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC will now take into account a wider range of research contributions by requiring a new narrative CV in applications for funding and awards.

Admission is free but registration is required.

Diagram with fingers pointing

La diplomatie scientifique dans l’espace francophone

Free event. Registration required.

Date: Thursday, May 16, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences building (FSS), Room 4007 

In partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland in Canada, Acfas invites you to a discussion between scientists and diplomats to better understand what science diplomacy actually is, its issues and practices, and the challenges it raises for the scientific community. The University of Ottawa, the Embassy of France, the Embassy of Morocco, and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie are also collaborating in this discussion.

Admission is free but registration is required.

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
May 13, 2024 to May 17, 2024
All day
Format and location
In person, Virtual
University Square
All events are in French only
General public

Other events at the ACFAS conference

Discover more Science-Moi! activities
Face silhouettes with icons of music and wellness overlaid
May 11

Musique et mieux-être (in French only)

An evening of musical performances and learning about community music programs for hearing-impaired persons, seniors and Indigenous people.
Women scientists speaking on a soapbox in the street
May 12

Haut-parleuses (in French only)

Women scholars at various locations in downtown Ottawa welcome us to discuss their research and answer our questions.
Comic strip in French about health care
May 14

Des bulles pour ma santé (in French only)

Explore the future of virtual healthcare with us in this creative brainstorming activity.
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