Health Sciences Library Facilities

The Health Sciences Library serves as a shared resource for all. It seeks to maintain a positive and productive learning environment.



There are 5 public computers available at the library.

All of our computer workstations come with Internet access and Microsoft Office software. Most have USB ports and CD-reader drives.

A computer lab with an additional 14 computer workstations, a projector and a teaching podium is also available, when library workshops are not taking place.  All of our computer workstations in the computer lab come with Internet access, Microsoft Office software and EndNote.

Photocopiers and printers

Photocopiers and printers are available at the library. To pay, add money to your student card, or buy and add money to a copy card using the machine located nearby.

Group study room

There are six study rooms available for students only, for small group work, for a maximum period of 2 hours per day. Each room is equipped with a whiteboard, meeting table, power outlets and wireless access. Rooms are booked by using the online room booking system. You will receive a confirmation of your room booking by email. This email should be kept as proof of reservation. Here is our policy on room use.  

Graduate study carrels

There are 23 graduate study carrels available at the library. Carrels are equipped with lockers, power outlets and task lighting.

Carrels are shared between two students and remain available to other students when the assignees are absent. Since each carrel is shared, carrel assignees should coordinate their schedules.

Carrels are assigned annually by lottery to University of Ottawa graduate students who do not have office space and are in their thesis year. They are assigned for a period running from October 1st to September 30th of the following year, though applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Reserve a study carrel online

Applicants may be placed on a waiting list.

The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not to leave valuables in the carrels and lock the carrels when not in use. Library materials stored in carrels must be signed out. Items which are not signed out will be removed during carrel checks. A notice will be left by when library materials are removed.

Lost keys must be reported to the circulation desk and are subject to a $10 replacement fee.

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