Join the University of Ottawa Library for this annual celebration of open education!

OER Showcase 2024

Part 1 – Tuesday, March 5, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (EST) 
Part 2 – Thursday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (EST)
Part 3 – Wednesday, March 20, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (EST) 

Where: Zoom 

The OER Showcase is a series of lightning talks allowing creators of open educational resources to share the fruits of their labour. Designed to showcase OER in French or in both official languages, this event is made possible through a collaboration between the University of Ottawa Library and fabriqueREL

March 5 - Program [Link to recording on YouTube]

10:05-10:15Josée Boulanger and Katrine Sauvé-Schenk
School of Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Ottawa

La communication pour une meilleure santé : accès et qualité des soins pour les personnes autistes et ayant une déficience intellectuelle
(French presentation)

Link to OER

10:20-10:30Adam Brown
Department of Biology and Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Créer des vidéos documentaires en biologie pour l'apprentissage informel en ligne
(Bilingual presentation)

Link to OER

10:35-10:45David St-Onge
École de technologie supérieure

Fondements de la robotique
(French presentation)

Link to OER

10:50-11:00Lynne Bowker
School of Translation and Interpretation
University of Ottawa

Garbage in, garbage out! / Médiocre à l'entrée = Médiocre à la sortie!
(Bilingual presentation)

Link to OER in English
Link to OER in French

11:05-11:15Elaine Beaulieu
Department of Biology
University of Ottawa

Saving hundreds of students $113 each semester: An ongoing project
(Bilingual presentation)

Link to OER

11:20-11:30Mouna Moumene
Université de Montréal
Créer sur Pressbooks comme un professionnel : guide de l’utilisateur
(French presentation)
11:35-11:45Guy Bégin
Département d'informatique
Université du Québec à Montréal

Circuits logiques combinatoires et séquentiels : une REL interactive
(French presentation)

Link to OER

March 14 - Program [Link to recording on YouTube]


Stéphanie Hovington et Janie Lépine
Faculté des sciences de l’éducation
Université Laval

La pédagogie ludique en enseignement supérieur : un levier pour favoriser le développement du savoir-être 
(French presentation)


Melissa Fernandez 
School of Nutrition Sciences
University of Ottawa

La malnutrition et la gestion des services alimentaires dans les soins de longue durée 
(French presentation)


Shalini Lal et Tania Sabatino
École de réadaptation
Université de Montréal

Mieux réussir un examen de la portée en sciences de la santé 
(Bilingual presentation)


Lisa Giachini
Cégep Édouard Montpetit

Manuel de physique appliquée en radiodiagnostic
(French presentation)

12:35-12:45Miche-Lyne Chagnon
School of Social Work 
University of Ottawa

L’intervention individuelle en travail social (milieu scolaire) 
(French presentation)

Link to OER

12:50-1:00David Buetti
Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Fondements et pratiques contemporaines en évaluation de programmes  
(French presentation)

Link to OER


Martine Robillard et Isabelle Breton
Cégep de Sherbrooke

Préparation à la simulation clinique complexe 
(French presentation)

Link to OER

March 20 - Program [Link to recording on YouTube]

Eric Lyall Nelson
Telfer School of Management
University of Ottawa
Gestion et société
(French presentation)
1:20-1:30Anika Audet and Jennifer Dekker
University of Ottawa

Guide de rédaction (Histoire)
(Bilingual presentation)

Link to OER


Philippe Apparicio
Département de géographie appliquée
Université de Sherbrooke

Méthodes d'analyse spatiale : un grand bol d'R
(French presentation)


Mélanie Champoux and Marianne Homier
Centre universitaire de formation en environnement et développement durable
Université de Sherbrooke

Culture. Écologie. Éducation. Une approche contemporaine de l'enseignement
(French presentation)


Sofia Perin and Roxanne Lafleur
Department of Biology and Library
University of Ottawa

BIODIDAC est de retour et meilleur!
(French presentation)

Link to OER


Paco Lalovic
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
University of Ottawa

Les défis de parole 
(French presentation)

Shaista Jaffer
Telfer School of Management
University of Ottawa

The FinTech Explorer : A Comprehensive Guide
(Bilingual presentation)

*These events will be recorded. By participating, you consent to being photographed or filmed and authorize the Library to use the photographs or film in print, digital, video or web-based format for its promotional material, including on the Internet via the Library website or other social media websites. If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected].

Share Your OER Adoption!

When: Monday, March 4 to Friday, March 29

Where: Online

Do you teach at the University of Ottawa? Have you assigned an open educational resource (OER) to your students? If so, take a few minutes to share your OER adoption with the Library using this form. Why? Knowing that an OER is being used is an important indicator for other educators that it is worth considering for their own courses. Spread the word!

We will highlight your adoption in the OER by Discipline Guide, a tool created to help faculty and instructors get acquainted with existing OER in their disciplines and facilitate their use. 

Creating Open Educational Resources (OER) - A Digital Humanities Toolbox Bilingual Workshop

When: Tuesday, March 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EST)

Where: Pérez Hall (room 302) and online [link to presentation slides] [link to recording on YouTube]

This session will introduce participants to the process of creating free learning resources that can be reused and adapted without the usual copyright restrictions. Join us to learn about the support offered by the Library, its services, and two applications: Pressbooks for digital publishing and H5P Studio to create interactive learning objects. It will also be an opportunity to discuss how open educational resources can have a positive impact on teaching practices and students. 

Announcing the 2024 Library OER Grant Recipients

When: Friday, March 22

Where: Library’s X account and home page

Find out who won this year’s Library OER Grants to encourage the adoption, adaptation, or creation of open educational resources at uOttawa!

Open Education Week 2024 - OE Global Calendar of Activities

When: Monday, March 4 to Friday, March 8

Where: Online

Explore the OE Global calendar to discover and sign up for a variety of events being held around the world to celebrate Open Education Week.

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