Where should I publish my data?

Many publishers and granting agencies are asking authors and grant holders to make the data underlying their published research and intellectual products publicly accessible.

Where should I deposit my data?

Data repositories are used to provide infrastructure for long-term data storage, indexing, searching and retrieval. Data repositories can also enable research tasks such as managing data requests and sharing files, as well as data discovery and reuse. Repositories can also provide value-add services such as access controls, unique identifiers (DOI), citation for the dataset, and long-term preservation of the data, among other services.

A short one-page guide (PDF, 304KB). Consult this decision tree to learn about the major data repositories used by researchers in Canada. 

Quick links for data deposit

uOttawa Dataverse (Borealis)

A publicly accessible, secure, multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual repository for research data, searchable from anywhere in the world with servers hosted in Canada, as part of a Canada-wide network of University data repositories. Data deposit is supported for University of Ottawa faculty, students, and affiliated researchers. Developed at Harvard University, this repository platform includes features such as permanent links (DOIs) that encourage citation of your data set and help you to set licensing terms for access and reuse of use of your data.

About uOttawa Dataverse


Directory of research data repositories searchable by discipline and field of research (or ask your colleagues what they use).


The institutional repository of the University of Ottawa community. Your data sets can be deposited alongside your journal articles, graduate thesis or teaching materials. Content is hosted on servers at the University, is open access, and is indexed by Google Scholar.


Accepts datasets that are larger than 2.5 GB. One TB of repository storage available to all faculty members at Canadian post-secondary institutions. The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a system for researchers in Canada to deposit and share research data and to facilitate discovery of research data through federated searching across repositories. Sign in with your Google, ORCID, or Compute Canada account. 

Video tutorials for FRDR: What is FRDR and Why Should I use it? 
Get a Globus Account | Download a Dataset | Upload a Dataset


A data-sharing service for behavioural health and social science research data, provided by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research is located at the University of Michigan. Self-deposits are free to individuals at ICPSR member institutions (including the University of Ottawa). A data curation service is offered by ICPSR, for a fee.ICPSR Collection Development Policy

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