Data are available for analysis as datasets, or microdata, using specialized software such as SPSS, Stata, R, or SAS.
Statistics are aggregated from data, and are often presented as tables, time series, maps, or as figures which can be downloaded to support your research.
Open platforms
- Census of Canada provides online Census resources; previous censuses are available back to 1996.
- Government of Canada Open Data Portal
- Statistics Canada can be searched for Statistics Canada data, statistics, publications.
Subscription databases and products
- E-Data (Conference Board of Canada) contains 7 economic intelligence databases, including economic forecasts for Canada, the Provinces, and Territories.
- Haver Analytics provides historical time series data for macroeconomic research and analysis. The database contains both annual economic statistics and daily market information. Data that can be obtained through the University of Ottawa's licenses include data for Canada and the U.S., G10+ Countries and emerging market countries.
- ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) is a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences and 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
- Odesi (Data Service of Scholars Portal) is a data repository for social science and polling data, including public use microdata files and aggregate data from Statistics Canada.
- Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF/PCCF+) – contact the Data Services team to request access
- Canadian Census Analyzer (CHASS) provides census profile data at various levels of geography back to the 1961 Census.
- uOttawa Library Interdisciplinary Data Collection contains openly available datasets, as well as some that are licensed and restricted for non-commercial use for the uOttawa community.
Mediated and confidential access programs and products
- Eurostat microdata program grants access to records containing information on individuals, households or businesses for scientific purposes.
- Ottawa-Outaouais Research Data Centre (ORDC) provides researchers with access to secure Statistics Canada microdata. ORDC is a partnership between the University of Ottawa and the Université du Québec en Outaouais.
- RTRA (Real Time Remote Access) is a Statistics Canada portal that allows uploading of SAS files to query a given survey and download the results. RTRA can only provide descriptive statistics.
This list is not exhaustive!
For additional research help, or to learn more about how to access data and/or statistics for any of the above, please contact the Data Services team and visit our Data services page.