Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Dr. Boisgontier is an active and engaged researcher with a strong track record in open scholarship. This is demonstrated in both his research and his teaching—for example, his French-language open teaching module on the neuroanatomy and neurobiology of human movement.
Professor Boisgontier serves in numerous editorial roles, including as Editor in Chief of Communications in Kinesiology, as well as Associate Editor of Advances in Cognitive Psychology and European Rehabilitation Journal, all diamond or low-APC open access journals. In addition, he has published numerous open access articles, and created many open and reusable datasets and codes. Using the open-source statistical application R in his research, he has also published or co-published open access articles using open data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) database, a research infrastructure that studies the effects of social, health, economic, and environmental policies throughout Europe and elsewhere.
In 2021-2022 alone, the results of his research were reported by more than 45 media outlets in 18 countries, including a briefing note for the French government's Ministry of Education
Professor Boisgontier is also a staunch advocate for open access and open science on Twitter and is leading the creation of the PCI (Peer Community in) Health & Movement Sciences to peer-review and recommend pre-prints of scientific publications in these disciplines.
Congratulations to Matthieu Boisgontier!