Workshops, orientations and tours

Invest a little time with us now and you can save time later on!

Need help with your research?

Research is difficult, and finding the right information can be frustrating. The good news is that the Library can help make it easier. We offer a variety of programs, including general library orientation, tours and workshops with an emphasis on improving your research skills. 

This term, we will be offering two formats of workshops: 

  • Synchronous virtual workshop which can be recorded. 
  • On-campus workshops 

Your questions and feedbacks are welcome!  Email us at [email protected] 

Workshop Series Winter 2025

Registration required for all Zoom workshops


Introduction to OMNI and Library Services

Paul-Cezar Tanase Learning Support Technician

January 27, 2025
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Zoom presentation

This workshop provides an overview of the library’s search engine, also known as Omni. Omni is more than a catalogue, giving you the ability to search and have immediate access to a very wide range of resources. We'll explore simple and advanced types of research, how to search for resources outside of uOttawa, and ways to tap into Omni's great potential during your studies.


Mish Boutet

February 5, 2025 
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Zoom presentation

Zotero is a free citation manager that helps you collect, organize, and cite journal articles and other information sources. This presentation explains how to install and use the main features of Zotero. If you are unable to attend, or if you prefer to learn at your own pace, the content of this presentation is also available as a self-paced online course:

Introduction to Research - How to Formulate a Research Question

Paul-Cezar Tanase
Learning Support Technician

February 6, 2025 
10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Zoom presentation

The goal of this workshop is to equip you with the basics to begin your research in a coherent and effective way. We will look at the research question, different research strategies, how to identify sources and judge their reliability. This workshop is a small time investment with great benefits for the rest of your years in university.

APA & MLA Basics

Michelle Brown, Head, Learning & Student Success

February 11, 2025 
10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Zoom presentation

This workshop will provide you with an introduction to the APA & MLA citation styles, and help you understand when and how to cite correctly. Resources and examples are provided.


Alain El Hofi, Research Librarian

February 27, 2025 
10 a.m. to Noon

Zoom presentation

This workshop introduces basic features of NVivo for preparing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. Topics covered include how to import data, code various data formats and run different types of queries. Please be sure to fill out the Software order form prior to the workshop. You will then receive an email from IT with information about activating and installing NVivo.

Online tutorial

Crafting effective outlines for academic writing while preforming alongside AI (Youtube uOttawa Library channel)

This workshop covers the following topics: 

  • the importance of AI tools in academic writing for organizing thoughts;
  • how AI tools can assist in generating ideas, topics, and suggesting logical structures for outlines
  • the limitations of AI in academic writing

Library tours

You can contact us for more information on how to arrange a future tour.

Workshops and Instruction

Library instruction can be requested by faculty, students, or external groups.

Please complete the Instruction Request Form

Related links

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