- Formation des enseignants de langue
- Développement et validation des évaluations de langues
- Recherche en évaluation de langue, surtout en évaluation de l’écrit
- Approches critiques à la didactique et à l’évaluation des langues
Beverly Baker
Membre de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales et directrice, Évaluation des langues et Professeure agrégée, Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB), Université d'Ottawa
Ph.D., université McGill, Québec (Didactiques des langues secondes/Évaluation des langues);
M.A., université Concordia, Québec (Linguistique appliquée);
B.Ed., université McGill, Québec (Enseignement d’anglais langue seconde);
B.A., université Saint Mary’s, Nouvelle-Écosse (français);
B.Com., université Saint Mary’s, Nouvelle-Écosse.
Pièce : 70, avenue Laurier Est, pièce 121
Bureau : 613-562-5800 poste 3464
Courriel professionnel : [email protected]

Champs d'intérêt
Beverly Baker a commencé sa carrière en enseignant l’anglais langue seconde au Canada, au Japon, en France et aux Émirats Arabes Unis pendant plus de 15 ans. Elle a ensuite poursuivi ses études de doctorat en évaluation des langues avec Carolyn Turner au département d'études intégrées en sciences de l’éducation à l’université McGill. Ensuite, elle été Directrice des programmes de 1er cycle au même département, avant de venir à l’Université d’Ottawa. Ses intérêts de recherche se situent dans le domaine de la linguistique appliquée, suivant une approche critique à la didactique et à l’évaluation des langues.
Prix et distinctions
- 2021-2023: Treasurer, International Language Testing Association
- 2022-2023: Chair, Research Subcommittee, TOEFL Committee of Examiners
- 2021-Present: Editorial Advisory Board, Language Assessment Quarterly
- 2019: International Assessment Award, British Council
- 2019 Emerging Researcher Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa
- 2019-2020: Interim Chair, Language Assessment Special Interest Group, International Language Testing Association (ILTA)
- 2018 University of Ottawa Young Researcher of the Year, Office of the Vice President, Research
- 2018- present: Member of Editorial Board, Assessing Writing
- Co-Chair, Language Testing Research Colloquium (International Language Testing Association), Bogota, Colombia (2017)
- Vice President, Canadian Association of Language Assessment (2015-2017)
Recherche en cours
- 2022-2026: OLBI Research Chair in Language Assessment Literacy
- 2018-2021: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Toward Achieving Canadian Bilingualism: Investigating Language Teacher Professional Identity in Pre-service ESL and FSL Teachers. PI: C. Riches; CI’s: B. Baker, L. Thomas
- 2016-2021: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Collaboration in Haitian Teacher Development: Cultivating Inclusive Action Research Practices. PI: B. Baker
Cours enseignés
- BIL 5103 Assessment of Second Language Competence
- BIL 5503 Évaluation de la compétence en langue seconde
- BIL 5502 Méthodologies de recherche en études du bilinguisme
- DLS 1100 Introduction to Second Language Teaching
- DLS 3130 Initiation to Language Assessment
- DLS 3530 Initiation à l'évaluation des langues
- DLS 3100 Classroom Observation and Related Research
- DLS 4900 Expérience pratique / Field Practice
- ESL 1113 Elementary Grammar for Second Language Learners
- ESL 2361 Advanced Writing Skills for Second Language Learners
- ESL 2121 Reading and Writing Skills for Second Language Learners: Advanced Level
Survol des publications arbitrées
- Baker, B., Polikar, S., & Homayounzadeh, M. (2021). “I was not thoughtful enough before:” Exploiting the learning-oriented-assessment potential of a test taker-oriented rubric for summative assessment. In Gebril, A. (Ed.), Learning-oriented language assessment: Putting theory into practice. Routledge.
- Baker, B., Homayounzadeh, M., & Arias, A. (2020). Investigating the test-prep and instructional possibilities of a test-taker oriented rubric for a high-stakes writing test. Journal of Second Language Writing, 50, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2020.100771
- Baker, B. A., & Turner, C. E. (2020). Rating scales and rubrics in language assessment. In Chapelle, C.A. (Ed.), The concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 987-994). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
- Baker, B., & Germain, J. (2020). A narrative inquiry into the formative assessment practices of an Indigenous language teacher. In M. E. Poehner & O. Inbar-Lourie (Eds.), Toward a Reconceptualization of L2 Classroom Assessment: Praxis and Researcher-Teacher Partnership. Springer Educational Linguistics series.
- Baker, B., & Hope, A. (2019). Incorporating translanguaging in LSP assessment: The case of a test for university professors. Language Assessment Quarterly, 16 (4-5), 408-425.
- Baker, B., & Riches, C. (2018). The Development of EFL examinations in Haiti: Collaboration and language assessment literacy development. Language Testing, 35(4), 557-581.
- Baker, B., Palfreyman, D. M., Hiller, G., Poha, W., & Manu, Z, (2017). Biliteracy as policy in academic institutions. In D. M. Palfreyman & C. van der Walt (Eds.), Academic biliteracies: Translanguaging and multilingual repertoires in higher education settings. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Baker, B., & Wigglesworth, G. (2017). Language assessment in indigenous contexts in Australia and Canada. In Shohamy, E. & Or, I. G. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education. Springer.
- Baker, B. (2016). Language assessment literacy as professional competence: The case of Canadian admissions decision makers. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19(1), 63-83.
- Baker, B. (2015). An Updated Visual Representation for Writing Assessment Research. Special Issue: Language Assessment in Canada: Critical Issues and Research Agenda. TESL Canada Journal, 32 (9), 134-136.
- Baker, B. A., & Laurier, M. (2015). The certification of teachers’ language competence in Quebec in French and English: Two different perspectives? Special issue: Language Assessment in the Canadian Context. Language Assessment Quarterly, 12(1).
- Baker, B., Tsushima, R., & Wang, S. (2014). Investigating Language Assessment Literacy: Collaboration between assessment specialists and Canadian university admissions officers. Special Issue--Language testing and assessment in higher education: Some current issues. Language Learning in Higher Education, 4 (1).
- Baker, B. A. (2013). Language assessment: Blurring the boundaries. Keynote talk for the Meeting on English Language Teaching (MELT), École de langues, Université de Québec à Montréal, QC.
- Sarkar, M., Lavoie, C., Metallic, J., Baker, B., & Strong-Wilson, T. (2013). Siawinnu’gina’masultinej: A language revitalization initiative for Mi’gmaq in Listuguj, Canada. Proceedings for the Seventeenth Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL XVII), Ottawa, Ontario.
- Baker, B. A. (2012). Individual differences in rater decision-making style: An exploratory mixed methods study. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9(3), 225-248.
- Baker, B. A. (2011). Use of the cloze-elide task in high-stakes English proficiency testing. Spaan Fellow Working Papers in Second or Foreign Language Assessment, 9, 1-16.
- Baker, B. A. (2010): Playing with the stakes: A consideration of an aspect of the social context in a gatekeeping writing assessment. Assessing Writing, 15(3), 133-153.
- Baker, B. A. (2009). Conflicting genre expectations in a high stakes writing test for teacher certification in Quebec. Spaan Fellow Working Papers in Second or Foreign Language Assessment, 7, 1-19.
- Baker, B., & Turner, C. E. (In Press). Rating scales in language assessment. In Chapelle, C. (Ed.), The concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.