Regulation 17: Circular of Instruction No. 17 for Ontario Separate Schools for the School Year 1912–1913

Affected legal entities


Legal status

Fallen into abeyance


In the name of "equal rights" in Ontario, many anglophones called for the abolition of "privileges" (French-language public schools) for Ontario's Catholic minority.

In 1912, the Ontario government adopted Regulation 17 by ministerial order, which stipulated that English was to be the language of instruction and communication with students in all schools across the province, whether public or separate. But it was a slightly modified version that was enacted in 1913. It was believed at the time that the use of French in Ontario schools threatened the province's integrity as an anglophone and Protestant enclave. The separate school system (French and Catholic) was the special focus of anglophone ire, as it was seen as unjust, inefficient, and dangerous.

Henceforth, francophone Catholics had to attend "Anglo-French schools" in which the teaching of French was only allowed for those who did not know English. This was a strictly interim measure prior to learning and speaking English, which was considered the only language of instruction in Ontario public schools.

Regulation 17 was modified in 1927 in light of recommendations by the Merchant-Scott-Côté Report, which revealed that successful learning of English had to start with mother tongue instruction. This regulation was never repealed: it simply fell into abeyance in 1944, when it was not renewed.

Linguistic significance

In reality, this regulation's provisions barred French as a language of instruction in Ontario public schools. However, by suppressing French public schools, Regulation 17 sparked a national controversy and did much to forge a Franco-Ontarian identity. By reacting forcefully, Franco-Ontarians sparked a major Canada-wide crisis that had an impact on the language rights of other minorities in Canada.

Linguistic provisions

Sections 1 to 15 (See complete text).

Complete text

Regulation 17

Proposed Circular of Instructions (1913)

English-French Public and Separate Schools

Section 1

There are only two classes of Primary Schools in Ontario—Public Schools and Separate Schools; but, for convenience of reference, the term English-French is applied to those schools of each class which shall be designated as such by the Minister whenever requested so to do by the Board or the Boards having jurisdiction in the matter, for inspection as provided in 5 below and in which French is the Language of instruction and communication as limited in 3 (1) below.

Section 2

The Regulations and Courses of Study prescribed for the Public Schools, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this circular, shall hereafter be in force in the English-French schools—Public and Separate—with the following modifications: The provisions for religious instruction and exercises in Public Schools shall not apply to Separate Schools, and Separate School Boards may substitute the Canadian Catholic Readers for the Ontario Public School Readers and may add with the approval of the Inspector such other text-books as may be required for the general proficiency of the pupils both in English and French.

Section 3

The following modifications shall be made in the Course of Study of the Public and Separate Schools.

The Use of French for Instruction and Communication

  1. In the case of French-speaking pupils, French may be used as the Ianguage of Instruction and communication but such use of French shall not be continued for the Study of English beyond Form I, excepting that, on the approval of the Inspector, it may also be used as the language of instruction and communication for the study or English in the case of pupils beyond Form I who are unable to speak and understand the English Language.

Special Course in English for French speaking pupils

  1. In the case of French-speaking pupils who are unable to speak and understand the English language well enough for the purposes of instruction and communication, the following provision is hereby made:

    (a) As soon mg the pupil enters the school he shall begin the study and the use of the English language.

    NOTE — A Manual of Method for use in teaching English to French-speaking pupils has been distributed amongst Schools by the Department of Education. This manual should he used in all schools. Where necessary copies may be procured on application to the Deputy Minister.

    (b) As soon as the pupil has acquired sufficient facility in the use of the English language he shall take up in that language the study of English.

French as a subject of Study In Public and Separate Schools

Section 4

In Schools designated as determined by Section 1, provision shall be made, under the following conditions, for the study of French in Forms 1-V inclusive in addition to the subjects prescribed for the Public and Separate Schools.

  1. The study of French may be taken only by pupils whom parents or guardians direct that they shall do so.
  2. Such study of French in the time-table of the school shall be arranged as to permit French pupils to acquire a good working knowledge of both the English and French language during the Primary Course.
  3. Where French is a subject of Study in a Public or Separate School the text-books now in use therein remain authorized.

Inspection of English-French Schools

Section 5

For the purpose of the inspection the English-French Schools, shall be organized into divisions, each division being under the charge of one inspector competent in both languages and Catholic for Separate Schools.

Section 6

  1. In conducting the work of Inspection, the Inspector of a division shall visit each school therein, unless otherwise directed by the Chief Inspector.
  2. The Inspector shall pay at least 220 half day visits during the year in accordance with the provisions of Public School Regulation 20 (2), and it shall be the duty of the Inspector to pay as many more visits than the minimum as the circumstances may demand.

Section 7

The Inspector of a division shall reside at such center as may be designated by the Minister.

Section 8

Frequently during the year the inspectors of English-French Schools shall meet together in order to discuss questions that may arise in their work and to standardize the system of inspection. For the same purposes the inspectors shall meet at such times and place as may he designated by the Minister.

Section 9

The Inspector shall report upon the general condition of all the classes, on the form prescribed by the Minister. This report shall be subject to the approval of the Minister upon the report of the Chief Inspector.

Section 10

If the Inspector of a division find that any Regulation or instruction of the Department is not being properly carried out, he shall forthwith report specially on such cases to the Minister.

Section 11

Each Inspector shall forward a copy of his ordinary inspectional report on the prescribed official form to the Minister within one week after the visit.

Section 12

The Chief Inspector of Public and Separate Schools shall be the supervising Inspector of the English-French Schools.

Section 13

  1. No teacher shall be granted a certificate to teach in English-French Schools who does not possess a knowledge of both languages sufficient to impart to the pupils during the Primary Course, a good knowledge of the English and French languages.
  2. No teacher shall remain in office or be appointed in any of said schools who does not possess a knowledge of both languages sufficient to give the pupils a good working knowledge of the English and French languages.

Legislative Grants to English-French Schools

Section 14

The Legislative Grants to the English and French Schools shall be made on the same conditions as the Grants to the other Public and Separate Schools.

Section 15

On due application from the School Board and on the report of the Inspector, approved by the Chief Inspector, an English-French School which is unable to provide the salary necessary to secure a teacher with the aforesaid qualifications shall receive a special grant in order to assist it in doing so.

Department of Education, August 1913