Bannière du forum de recherche CCERBAL. Le logo du CCERBAL: une illustration de deux personnages dos à dos avec des bulles de texte contenant des caractères abstraits au-dessus de leurs têtes. Une image Dr. Elizabeth Kay,. Le logo de l'ILOB dans le coin inférieur droit.

Résumé :

The extant literature on bilingualism and children with DS will be reviewed and unpublished longitudinal data on the bilingual development of 16 children and adolescents with DS presented. The ecobiological model of bilingualism (Kay-Raining Bird, Trudeau, & Sutton, 2016) will be used to frame a discussion of how best to facilitate bilingual development in those with developmental disabilities.

Dr. Elizabeth Kay

Dr. Elizabeth Kay

Speech-language pathologist and Full Professor

Dr. Elizabeth Kay is a speech-language pathologist and Full Professor in the School of Human Communication Disorders at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her research and teaching are in the areas of child language development and disorders, with a particular focus on children with developmental disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse populations. She has been the Principal Investigator on many grants and has published and presented widely on topics related to bilingualism and language learning in children with Down syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders. She recently completed an international collaborative study of bilingual access and participation for children with special education needs, published as a 2016 special issue in the Journal of Communication Disorders. Dr. Kay-Raining Bird is currently involved in various studies researching bilingualism and the French Immersion experience.

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Date et heure
28 sept. 2017
12 h à 14 h 30
Formule et lieu
En personne
Pavillon Roger-Guindon (RGN)
Grand public