Bannière du forum de recherche CCERBAL. Le logo du CCERBAL: une illustration de deux personnages dos à dos avec des bulles de texte contenant des caractères abstraits au-dessus de leurs têtes. Une image de Jeffrey Bale. Le logo de l'ILOB dans le coin inférieur droit.


There has been robust debate within political science and applied linguistics alike about the legitimacy and viability of language rights as a strategy for resolving language conflicts in society. This paper introduces a political-economy approach as elaborated by Bale (2015), Holborow (2015), and Ricento (2015) to rethink the potential of language rights.

Jeffrey Bale

Jeffrey Bale

Associate Professor of Language & Literacies Education at OISE/University of Toronto

Jeff Bale is Associate Professor of Language & Literacies Education at OISE/University of Toronto. His research focuses on language policy, history of education, and language teacher education. His work has appeared in Language Policy, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, and Teachers College Record, and he is co-editor with Sarah Knopp of Education and Capitalism: Struggles for Learning and Liberation (Haymarket Books, 2012). Bale taught ESL and German for 10 years in urban secondary schools in the United States before moving into academic work.

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Date et heure
25 sept. 2015
13 h à 14 h 30
Formule et lieu
En personne
129 Louis Pasteur, Room LPR 286
Commandité par : Le Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en gestion des langues (GRIGL)
Grand public, Candidats internatiionaux, Chercheurs