Numéro de la soumission: 254
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 1796
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: f8cd4e87-5538-4ee2-9b0b-7670bd9e51fa

Created: sam, 05/06/2023 - 20:44
Terminé: sam, 05/06/2023 - 20:44
Modifié: sam, 05/06/2023 - 20:44

Adresse IP distante:
Soumis par: Anonymous
Langue: English

Is draft: Non
Un nouveau ou une nouvelle étudiant(e) ou membre du personnel?
Gamelin Kao
(613) 562-5800
Undergraduate student
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Shannon Bainbridge
[email protected]
University of Ottawa
Online theoretical training using the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) training modules. In-person training session with Diane Lagase and a faculty member and AEC/ACVS.
Je confirme