Principal Investigator
Lee-Yaw Lab
University of British Columbia 2007
McGill University 2005
Institutional Animal User Training Program (IAUTP) Part 1 and Part 2
Dr. Lee-Yaw has over 15 years of experience working with herpetofauna, including experience working with all the species included in this application. This experience includes field surveys, tissue collection, and molecular lab work pertinent to the activities proposed here, as well as experience with amphibian husbandry in a captive environment. Her initial training in herpetology was provided by several experts in herpetology (Dr. Stephen Lougheed—Queen’s University; Dr. David Green—McGill University; Dr. David Cannatella—University of Texas, Austin). Dr. Lee-Yaw has trained over 25 students and field assistants to properly handle and collect data from amphibians.
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