2025 "Handbook on Digitalization in Public Administration of Federal Countries". Réd Champagne, Eric, Silvana Gomes, Felix Knuepling, André Lecours. Palgrave Macmillan. (accepted/accepté)
2023 "Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription". Réd Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe and Eric Champagne. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (UTP). https://utorontopress.com/9781487551261/fiscal-federalism-in-canada.
2022 "Agence canadienne de l'eau: enjeux multisectoriels de droit et de gouvernance". Réd Fortin, Marie-France, Alexandre Lillo, Eric Champagne, Lauren Touchant et Thomas Burelli. Ottawa: LexisNexis.
Champagne, Eric. 2024 "La gouvernance multiniveau". Réd Breux, S. et Mévellec, A. Dans Dictionnaire politique de la scène municipale québécoises, . Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval. https://www.pulaval.com/livres/dictionnaire-politique-de-la-scene-municipale-quebecoise.
Champagne, Eric and Aracelly Denise Granja. 2023 "Public Infrastructure Financing and Multilevel Governance in Canada". Réd Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. Dans Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription, 306-325. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. https://utorontopress.com/9781487551261/fiscal-federalism-in-canada.
Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. 2023 "Introduction: Fiscal Federalism under the Microscope". Réd Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. Dans Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription, 3-28. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. https://utorontopress.com/9781487551261/fiscal-federalism-in-canada.
Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. 2023 "Pressures, Challenges, and Policy Recommendations: Improving Fiscal Federalism in Canada". Réd Lecours, André, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, Eric Champagne. Dans Fiscal Federalism in Canada: Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription, 476-482. Toronto. https://utorontopress.com/9781487551261/fiscal-federalism-in-canada.
Fortin, Marie-France, Alexandre Lillo, Eric Champagne, Lauren Touchant et Thomas Burelli. 2022 "Introduction". Réd Fortin M.F. et al. Dans Agence canadienne de l'eau: enjeux multisectoriels de droit et de gouvernance, 1-26. Ottawa: LexisNexis.
Champagne, Eric et Geneviève Tellier. 2017 "La longue marche vers l’autonomie financière des municipalités canadiennes : l’exemple des transferts fédéraux en infrastructures municipales". Réd Marc Leroy. Dans L’autonomie financière des collectivités territoriales, 360-383. Paris: Economica.
Champagne, Eric, Olivier Choinière and Aracelly Denise Granja. 2023 "Government of Canada's teleworking and hybrid policies in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic". Canadian Public Administration 40 (1): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/capa.12520.
Taki, Kamal et Eric Champagne. 2023 "The Role of Governance Models in the Development of Transport Infrastructure Megaprojects in Greater Montreal The case of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM)". Frontiers in Political Science Vol.5 (2023): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2023.1156096.
Champagne, Eric et Aracelly Denise Granja. 2021 "Les investissements publics en temps de crise : le cas du Canada". Gestion & Finances Publiques, no. No. 4: pp. 109–15. https://doi.org/10.3166/gfp.2021.4.015.
Blouin Genest, Gabriel, Nathalie Burlone, Eric Champagne, Carl Eastin and Claire Ogaranko. 2021 "The emergence of COVID-19 as a public policy problem: a comparative analysis of Québec, Ontario and British Columbia pandemic emergency plans and their translation into public policy". Policy Design and Practice, . https://doi.org/10.1080/25741292.2020.1868123.
Généreux, Mélissa, Marc D David, Tracey O’Sullivan, Marie-Ève Carignan, Gabriel Blouin-Genest, Olivier Champagne-Poirier, Éric Champagne, Nathalie Burlone, Zeeshan Qadar, Teodoro Herbosa, Kevin Hung, Gleisse Ribeiro-Alves, Horacio Arruda, Pascal Michel, Ron Law, Alain Poirier, Virginia Murray, Emily Chan, Mathieu Roy. 2020 "Communication strategies and media discourses in the age of COVID-19: an urgent need for action". Health Promotion International daaa136: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daaa136.
Généreux, Mélissa, Philip J. Schluter, Kevin KC Hung, Chi Shing Wong, Catherine Pui Yin Mok, Tracey O’Sullivan, Marc D. David, Marie-Eve Carignan, Gabriel Blouin-Genest, Olivier Champagne-Poirier, Éric Champagne, Natalie Burlone, Zeeshan Qadar, Teodoro Herbosa, Gleisse Ribeiro-Alves, Ronald Law, Virginia Murray, Emily Ying Yang Chan, Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel, Sébastien Salerno, Grégoire Lits, Leen d’Haenens, De Coninck, Koenraad Matthys and Mathieu Roy. 2020 "One virus, four continents, eight countries: an interdisciplinary and international study on the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among adults". Réd MDPI Open Access Publishing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (22). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228390.
Champagne, Eric et Charles-Étienne Beaudry. 2018 "Les statuts particuliers des grandes villes au Canada : promesses et limites". Upper Silesian Sociological Studies 9 (2): 256-271. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=730345.
Gomes, Silvana, Eric Champagne and André Lecours. 2022 "Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Look Ahead". Réd Forum of Federations. 21. https://forumfed.org/document/digitalization-of-public-administration-in-federal-countries-challenges-opportunities-and-a-look-ahead.
Champagne, Eric et Aracelly Denise Granja. 2021 "Les répercussions de la pandémie COVID-19 sur l'organisation et la gouvernance des universités". Réd Centre d'études en gouvernance. 23. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42823.
Champagne, Eric and Aracelly Denise Granja. 2021 "The Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on University Organization and Governance". 20. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/42822.
Champagne, Eric, Francis Gaudreault, Moira Hart-Poliquin. 2020 "Results, Adaptability, Capacity and Engagement: Narrowing the Implementation Gap". Réd Centre on Governance. 24. doi: 10.20381/jb3v-b851.
Blouin-Genest, G., Burlone, N., Champagne, E., Généreux, M., Torres Orozco, N. and Bogic, A. 2020 "WHO Global Response to COVID-19: Communicating Risk / Risky Communication, Rapid Results Report Phase 1: December 31, 2019 to January 31, 2020". Réd Centre on Governance Working Paper Series, No. 01/20/EN. 27. Université d'Ottawa, Canada, Ontario. doi: 10.20381/hkzz-an46.
Champagne, Eric and Cooper Martin. 2019 "The Localization of the Global Agendas in North America". 443. https://www.gold.uclg.org/sites/default/files/07_NORAM_EN_0.pdf.
Champagne, Eric, Francis Gaudreault. 2019 "Enhancing the National Performance Management System What can be learned from the Canadian Experience?". Réd Kuwait Public Policy Center, Policy White Paper. 56. https://kppc.scpd.gov.kw/sites/default/files/2020-04/02-PA-White-Paper-KPPC-PRINT_0.pdf.
Champagne, Eric et Francis Gaudreault. 2019 "Étude sur la collaboration interprofessionnelle et interordres au Québec". Réd Cahiers de recherche du Centre d'études en gouvernance.
Champagne, Eric, Moira Hart-Poliquin, Savera Hayat, Aaida Mamuji, Benjamina Randrianarivelo and Kay Winning. 2016 "Coaching for Results: The Kind of Change Results Coaches Facilitate and the Tactics They Use to Do So". Réd Centre on Governance. 27. Université d'Ottawa, Canada, Ontario. doi: Research Paper No. 01/15/EN. ISBN: 978-0-9949034-0-2.