Poster for the event The Emerald International Handbook of Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse


The University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and Society and The eQuality Project present:

Digital technologies have led to many important social and cultural changes worldwide, but they are also implicated in the facilitation of violence and abuse. While cybercriminality is often described as one of the greatest threats to nation states and global security, the wide range of interpersonal crimes comprising technology-facilitated violence and abuse (TFVA) - including, but not limited to, image-based sexual abuse, hate speech, online sexual harassment and cyberstalking - has received little attention.

The Emerald International Handbook of Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse features theoretical, empirical, policy and legal analysis of TFVA from over 40 multidisciplinary scholars, practitioners, advocates, survivors and technologists from 17 countries. Addressing a spectrum of abuse perpetrated online, offline and through new technologies, the book sets TFVA in the context of intersecting underlying systemic drivers - including misogyny, racism, classism, colonialism, ableism, ageism, transphobia and homophobia - and discusses ways forward in effectively responding to TFVA. Adopting a holistic approach, it explores a host of issues relating to TFVA, including the nature and experience of harmful and criminal conduct; organisational responses; regulatory, legal and ethical concerns; corporate and social responsibility; justice for victims; bystander intervention; and cultural and social attitudes.

The handbook's international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral nature affords opportunities for learning from common experiences, but it also emphasises the equality-affirming importance of avoiding one-size-fits-all analyses that fail to reflect rich and diverse experiences from around the world.

About the speakers

Jane Bailey is a Full Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Common Law) in Canada. Jane’s research focuses on technology’s intersections with law and equality, with a particular current focus on technology-facilitated violence and its impacts on young people from marginalized communities. She currently co-leads The eQuality Project, funded by a 7-year SSHRC grant, which involves an inter-disciplinary group of researchers from Canada, the US, Hong Kong, and Finland, as well as over 20 community, governmental, educational, and youth organizations.

Asher Flynn is an Associate Professor of Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Monash University and Vice President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology. She is a leading international researcher in policy and prevention concerning gendered and sexual violence, and AI and technology-facilitated abuse. Asher has an extensive publication record and is lead researcher on several major international projects in these fields, including an ANROWS project examining the prevalence, harms and responses to technology-facilitated abuse across Australia. She is the recipient of a number of prestigious international research fellowships and has held high-level advisory positions with the United Nations and the British Home Office. In 2021, Asher was appointed the only Australian member of Facebook’s Global Women’s Safety Board, which comprises just 12 members across the globe.

Nicola Henry is an Associate Professor and Vice-Chancellor’s Principal Research Fellow in the Social and Global Studies Center at RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia). Nicola’s research focuses on the prevalence, nature, and impacts of sexual violence, including legal and non-legal responses in Australian and international contexts. The goal of her work is to contribute to social, legal, and political change, deepen knowledge, and provide support to victim–survivors of violence. She has conducted numerous projects on image-based sexual abuse and technology-facilitated abuse which have led to significant legal and policy change in Australia.

Chandell Gosse (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Royal Roads University in the College of Interdisciplinary Studies, where her research focuses on technology facilitated violence and abuse, online extremism, and misinformation.

Emma A. Janeis an Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental (PESTLE) causes and effects of emerging technology.

Samantha Keene is a Lecturer in Criminology in the Institute of Criminology at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington. Samantha’s research focuses on gendered experiences of crime, mainstream pornography and its effects, rough sex, and sexual violence.

Christopher Dietzel is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the SHaG Lab, Dalhousie University and a Co-Investigator on the iMPACTS Project at McGill University.

Bridget Harris is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow based at Queensland University of Technology. Bridget researches on violence against women and spatiality; gender-based violence; domestic and family violence; and technology-facilitated violence, advocacy and justice.

Seonaid Stevenson-McCabe LLB (Hons) LLM is a Scottish lawyer and Lecturer in Law at Glasgow Caledonian University. Inspired by the lawyering movement founded by Gerald López , she is the co-founder of RebLaw Scotland, an organization which explores how law can be used as a tool for social justice.

Sarai Chisala-Tempelhoff LLB (Hons) LLM is a Malawian human rights lawyer and legal researcher. She is the founder and Executive Director of the Gender and Justice Unit, an initiative that hones in on legal empowerment as a tool to bring about gender equality and social justice in Malawi.

Alison J. Marganski, PhD is Associate Professor and Director of Criminology at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY. Her research takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying violence (perpetration as well as victimization), including technologically facilitated violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and mass murder, along with their respective solutions.

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Date et heure
16 nov. 2021
17 h à 20 h
Formule et lieu
Grand public