Submission Number: 3
Submission ID: 41
Submission UUID: dcae9bfe-2b7c-4221-85b9-bcd5abdaa88c

Created: Thu, 09/01/2022 - 11:33
Completed: Thu, 09/01/2022 - 11:33
Changed: Thu, 09/01/2022 - 11:33

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: frushike
Language: English

Is draft: No
New student or staff member
First name: Madeline
Last name: Harris
Email: [email protected]
Office or Lab Phone Number: +1 (652) 331-5682
Cell phone number: +1 (712) 625-7459
Home phone number: +1 (536) 829-3423
Status: Lab staff member
Your lab's department/institute: Quibusdam facere velit qui sit
Whose laboratory will you be working in?: Tempor esse amet quos est tempor modi asperiores ea tempor ad dolore dolore animi dignissimos nobis
Supervisor's email: [email protected]
With which species will you be working?: Iste dolorum dolor quia blanditiis dolor est harum reprehenderit sit irure quia sed sed est anim
If you will be working with aquatic species, please provide your date of birth for enrollment in the Experimental Fish Course online training: 1988-07-01
Have you received previous training on animal care and use in science?: No
Topaz: I confirm