Submission Number: 755
Submission ID: 5356
Submission UUID: ce14688d-57a6-458e-9ab4-f8848051d427

Created: Fri, 10/25/2024 - 11:43
Completed: Fri, 10/25/2024 - 11:47
Changed: Fri, 10/25/2024 - 11:47

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
New student or staff member
Visiting Scientist (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Visiting: Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UOttawa, Home: Michael Smith Laboratories, UBC
Dr. Armen Saghatelyan
[email protected]
University of British Columbia, BC, Canada - 2021
Previously trained at University of Glasgow, Scotland - 2016
Formal training: I have been trained on animal work ethics, mouse handling and restraint, intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injections, mouse anesthesia, and aseptic technique and surgical procedures in rodents. Most recently, I received this training at the University of British Columbia at the beginning of my postdoctoral fellowship, but I also received this training during my PhD at the University of Glasgow.

Experience: I have around 7.5 years of experience working with mice and during this time have performed various procedures. These include rodent restraint and handling, I.P and S.C injections and surgical procedures (in utero electroporation surgeries, trained in and performed at McGill University during my PhD). During my PhD, I also performed behavioural experiments with mice. I have designed and refined monitoring protocols to ensure animal welfare throughout this time.

I have sent my certificates from UBC training to Justin Arthur ([email protected]) as I could only attach one file below.
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