The Behaviour and Physiology Core uses the Infinity management software to manage facility access and booking.

Booking Information

You and your lab must have an Infinity account to use the Core.

  • If you are with UOttawa, use your UOttawa email and password to log in here.
  • If you are an external User from the OHRI, CHEO, the Heart Institute, or another university, create a new account here.
  1. To request to use the Behaviour Core, click Request Access under the Facilities tab in Infinity and fill out the User Access Form. We will contact to schedule a meeting to discuss your needs.
  2. There are three types of service:
    • Core Staff Performed Research in which trained Core staff perform all aspects of behavioural testing and data analysis. The Core staff will book the tests through consultation with you.
    • Direct Supervision for use of the Core during training or with direct supervision of Core staff. The Core staff will book the tests through consultation with you.
    • Indirect Supervision for independent use of the facility after adequate training. Normally, users initially conduct experiments and analyze data with direct supervision. When Core staff has deemed the user competent to work independently, users can conduct their experiments with assistance from a core staff only as needed. Users will sign up for testing via a calendar that they will be given access to.
  3. We can help you prepare for grant submissions to include behavioural testing. Please email us at [email protected] with your request and we can provide you with literature and budgets.
  4. All testing must obtain prior approval through the Animal Care Committee and ACVS. We have standardized protocols for every test and you can refer to these in your protocol submissions.
    For users from outside of RGH we can assist in preparation of protocols and also transfer of animals.

Contact Us

Faculty of Medicine Animal Behaviour and Physiology Core

Room 2538, Roger Guindon Hall (RGH),
451 Smyth Road,
Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M5, Canada

Office: 613-562-5800 Ext: 8621
Manager: Kerstin Ure, PhD
Email: [email protected]