The Animal Behaviour and Physiology Core facility was established in 2009 and provides a state-of-the-art facility equipped to serve as a time-efficient and cost-effective service for researchers in need of mouse and rat behavioural analyses.

Our tests

Test Name Equipment in Core Species Availability Maximum Animals Tested Simultaneously 
Adhesive Removal Test Mice and rats One animal per trial. 
Beam Break 
  • Hardware and Software: San Diego Instruments 
Mice and rats Up to 24 mice or 12 rats tested simultaneously 
Cylinder Rearing Test Mice and rats One animal per trial. 
  • Hardware and Software: Digigait treadmill system by Mouse Specifics 
Mice and rats One animal per trial. 
Grip strength Mice and rats One animal per trial. 
Hanging Wire Test 
  • Hardware: Canus Plastics Inc 
Mice One animal per trial. 
Horizontal Ladder 
  • Hardware: Canus Plastics Inc., Handycam by Sony or FLIR High Frame Rate camera by Teledyne 
Mice and rats One animal per trial. 
Nest building Mice No capacity limit 
Open Field Mice and rats Up to 4 mice or 2 rats tested simultaneously. 
Pasta Matrix Reaching Test Mice One animal per trial. 
Phenotyper Mice and rats Up to 8 animals tested simultaneously. 
Pole Test 
  • Hardware:  Handycam by Sony or FLIR High Frame Rate camera by Teledyne  
Mice One animal per trial. 
  • Mice: Rota-Rod by IITC Life Sciences, and RotaRod by Ugo Basile 
  • Rats: Rotor-Rod by San Diego Instruments 
Mice and rats Up to 5 mice or 4 rats tested simultaneously. 
Single Pellet Reaching Test Mice and rats Up to 2 animals tested simultaneously. 
Splash Grooming Test Mice and rats Up to 4 animals tested simultaneously. 
Staircase Reaching Mice and rats Up to 10 mice or 30 rats tested simultaneously. 
Rotational Behaviour Mice and rats Up to 2 mice or 2 rats tested simultaneously. 
Wireless Counting Running Wheels 
  • Hardware and Software: Low profile wireless running wheel for mice by Med Associates Inc,; running wheels for Phenotyper by Noldus Information Technology 
Mice and rats Up to 100 mice or 14 rats tested simultaneously. 

Contact us

Faculty of Medicine Animal Behaviour and Physiology Core

Room 2538, Roger Guindon Hall (RGH),
451 Smyth Road,
Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M5, Canada

Office: 613-562-5800 Ext: 8621
Manager: Kerstin Ure, PhD
Email: [email protected]