The Behaviour and Physiology Core is supported through the University of Ottawa. Users are charged an hourly fee for all uses of the Facility, including experimentation and computer analysis.

Services and fees

The Behaviour and Physiology Core charges three basic rates.

  1. Core Staff Performed Research rate is for trained Core staff to perform all aspects of behavioural testing and data analysis.
  2. Direct Supervision rate is for use of the Core during training or with direct supervision of Core staff.
  3. Indirect Supervision rate is for independent use of the facility after adequate training. Normally, users initially conduct experiments and analyze data with direct supervision. When Core staff has deemed the user competent to work independently, users can conduct their experiments with assistance from core staff only as needed.

The rates for University of Ottawa researchers and affiliates are lower than those of outside users, due to a subsidy provided by University of Ottawa for its own scientists.

The following tests are priced by time or at a flat rate:

  • Beam break: for maximum 24 mice
    • $10 for <12hr
    • $15 for 12hr
    • $20 for 24hr
    • $5 for each additional day
  • CLAMS: $175 for 3 days, $30 for each additional 24 hrs (maximum 12 mice)
  • Nest Building: $15 per experiment
  • Open running wheels fee: $2 per mouse + 0.10/day/mouse
  • Phenotyper: $10/day (maximum 8 mice)
  • Sucrose Preference: $15 per experiment

If a student/PI wishes to develop a test that is not on our list we can work with them to develop it (upon ACVS approval). Students/PIs, in this case, can work alongside the Core staff (no training fee). Once testing is optimized the student can carry out the testing with indirect supervision.

The Core does not charge per diem rates for the housing and care of laboratory animals.  These rates will be charged independently by the ACVS. There is housing room for animals that are in behavioural testing.

We ask that whenever possible, all clients acknowledge the University of Ottawa Behaviour Core in published manuscripts.

Contact Us

Faculty of Medicine Animal Behaviour and Physiology Core

Room 2538, Roger Guindon Hall (RGH),
451 Smyth Road,
Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M5, Canada

Office: 613-562-5800 Ext: 8621
Manager: Kerstin Ure, PhD
Email: [email protected]