Animal care and use
The University of Ottawa is committed to ensuring that the use of animals in research and in teaching conforms to the most rigorous ethical standards while actively supporting cutting edge science.

The University of Ottawa Animal Care and Use Program is a University-wide program and covers all persons who work with animals in research and teaching at uOttawa and our affiliated research institutions.
Online portals

ACVS web portal
Access the online system for communicating with ACVS to reserve facility rooms and equipment, submit animal transfer requests and technical service requests.

Access the online system for animal use protocol and cage management. Topaz is used to order animals and submit new protocols, amendments, or annual renewals to the Animal Care Committee for approval.
Our departments

Animal ethics and compliance
The Office of Animal Ethics and Compliance supports the activities of the Animal Care Committee, provides training to research teams, and helps ensure that uOttawa meets or exceeds all relevant external standards and regulations.

Animal care and veterinary service
Our team of specialists provides innovative solutions to support pre-clinical research for the uOttawa scientific community and its global partners while ensuring the highest standards of ethics in animal care.
Protocols and training

Animal Care Committee and Protocol Review
All animal care and use is reviewed and approved by the uOttawa Animal Care Committee (ACC) including animal protocols, policies, and procedures. The ACC also monitors ongoing animal work. Visit this page for more information on the ACC and its protocol review process.

Animal user training
All personnel working with animals in teaching and research at uOttawa and affiliated institutions are required to complete the Animal User Training Program. Visit this page for more information and to register for training.
Contact us
Animal care and veterinary service
Guindon Hall, Room 1311
451 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1H 8M5 Canada
Tel: 613-562-5412
Fax: 613-562-5467
[email protected]
Animal ethics and compliance
Guindon Hall, Room 1311
451 Smyth Rd.,
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1H 8M5 Canada
Tel.: 613-562-5444
Fax: 613-562-5467
[email protected]