Among the successes of the consortium thus far:
Established a comprehensive center focused on the science of stroke and the mechanisms that contribute to successful functional recovery.
Recruited the best scientists from various domains within stroke research. Only recently we welcomed two highly sought after scientists: Dr. Baptiste Lacoste who is a specialist in vascular plasticity and Dr. Simon Chen a specialist in motor learning.
Facilitated the development of forward-looking treatments for stroke. In this regards, we are particularly proud of Drs. Dowlatshahi and Lum, uOBMRI members who played a leading role in the development of revolutionary treatment that reduces stroke-induced mortality rates by 50% while ensuring better quality of life to survivors. This is indeed a game changing treatment which will impact stroke care worldwide.
Develop RecoverNow, a progressive stroke rehabilitation approach
Developed virtual reality gaming platform where the latest advancements in the gaming industry are harnessed to provide stroke survivors with a potent, engaging and fun rehabilitation alternative to improves post-stroke functional recovery. The prototype, developed by uOBMRI members Drs. Sveistrup and Finestone, is already in use at the uOBMRI laboratories. At this stage, its potency in expediting functional recovery of physical and cognitive abilities as well as a diagnostic tool to detect vision problems among stroke survivors is being established through clinical trials.
Characterized deficits affecting hand function. Stroke survivors often struggle to recover upper limb functionality and through the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Dr. Tremblay offers safe and non-invasive way to identify the sensory and motor deficits underlying these motoric malfunctions.