Going beyond bench to bedside, our scientists and clinicians are building a brighter future by training the next generation of brain health researchers in Canada.

Make an Impact

Trainee awards encourage excellence in both basic and clinical research at graduate and post-doctoral levels. Competitive awards attract top trainees across Canada and internationally, giving them the opportunity to enhance their research abilities and learning experience. Trainee awards will be directed towards cutting-edge laboratories where trainees will become tomorrow’s leaders in medical research. Fellowships are an exciting opportunity to support research discoveries and can be named in honour of a donor or loved one.

Types of Awards

  • Research Fellowships/Scholarships
  • Educational/Conference Opportunities
  • Poster Awards (Research/Clinical Trainee Excellence)
  • Oral Abstract Presentation Trainee Awards

Click here to read more about the training opportunities and awards currently offered by the uOBMRI.

Thank You for Supporting Trainees

These opportunities are made possible due to the generosity of our contributors, whom we thank for supporting the next generation of researchers. 

  • Michael T. Richard
  • The Marcogliese Family
  • The Poole Family
  • The Hogg Family
  • The Hayter Family
  • Francis Mathew Memorial Fellowship
  • Éric Poulin Centre for Neuromuscular Disease
  • Ms. Audrey Grant
  • The Haffner Family
  • Saroj and Kishori Lal
  • Kanta Marwah
  • MS in Motion Supporters

The power for change is yours. Accelerate the future of brain health by supporting the uOBMRI.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]  | 613-562-5425

Haley Geertsma and Dr. Maxime Rousseaux using a microscope.

“Trainee Awards have given me the opportunity to expand my research project and learn new techniques that have significantly elevated my research abilities.”

Haley Geertsma

— PRC Fellowship Awardee

Education that empowers

Dr. Katalin Toth looking at a microscope with her trainee.

We engage and inspire the next generation of neuroscience researchers in Canada, by recruiting the top research trainees to carry the torch and create a future where lives and families are no longer devastated by brain health diseases.

Connecting for a Cure

A group of uOBMRI members and trainees standing and smiling together outside.

The uOBMRI organizes multi-disciplinary knowledge mobilization events throughout the year that encourage trainee connection and collaboration. Events such as Brain Health Research Day, Research Spotlights and Summer Schools promote the development of trainee education, skills, and communication.

Setting the Standard

Two trainees smiling and analyzing a lab result.

Our uOBMRI researchers set a high standard for excellence in graduate studies by fostering highly interactive learning environments where trainees thrive. Trainees are educated by internationally recognized experts and develop critical skills that will lead to new discoveries that will directly advance brain health research.