Users can schedule a reservation online on the Infinity Scheduler website, only for microscopes they have been trained on.
All our microscopes can be reserved 3 weeks in advance.
Confocal and Widefields:
Each user can have up to 3 future reservations per system at any given time .
Bookings are restricted to 4 hour-long time slots.
Live imaging systems (Incucyte, Deltavision and spinning disk):
Each user can have up to 2 reservations per systems at at any given time.
Bookings are restricted to 4 hour-long time slots for DV and spinning-disk, 6 days for incucyte.
If you require special accommodations, please contact CBIA Core staff for booking information.
It is expected that users are punctual for time booked.
Please create an Infinity account (follow the User guide).
AUT Tracker
The charges are based on usage time. At the beginning of each session, users must start the Actual Usage Tracker (AUT) to access the microscpes controls and to track the instrument usage by unblocking the Infinity AUT.
Any cancellations or adjustments to reservations on the Infinity system must be made >1h in advance of the original reservation start time.
Non-responsability Disclaimer: It is the user’s responsibility to book correctly on Infinity, choose the appropriate fields, and start the AUT tracker properly. As a courtesy, we do our best to ensure that billing is accurate. However, the CBIA core cannot be held responsible for errors related to user mistakes made during the booking or the unblocking of the AUT.
Late cancellations, improper logging of reservations and "no shows" are not tolerated, and may result in the temporary loss of the access to the CBIA core equipment.