The CBIA core facility works to provide a holistic model of support to users from initial consultation, training, follow up consultations and image analysis to support your research. See what the CBIA core can offer. If you have a special request or cannot find what you need below, do not hesitate to contact us.


The CBIA core facility works to provide a holistic model of support to users from initial consultation, training, follow up consultations and image analysis to support your research. Basic support (excluding training) is free for users to ensure high level understanding of imaging experiments and systems used. See below for examples of support we offer to users:

  • Experimental design consultation
  • Fluorophore choice and microscopy platform matching
  • Imaging parameter advice
  • Post-acquisition and image analysis consultation for the development of analysis workflow. We can provide support using  Fiji (ImageJ), Zen (from Zeiss), AutoQuant, Imaris.

Training and advanced support from technical staff is a charge for use service.

Pricing 2023-2024

User fees are used to offset some of the expenses incurred in the operation of the facility, and to maintain service contracts. For billing, each principal investigator will be invoiced with details of the charges incurred, and the indicated cost center will be debited. Charges are tracked based on logging of microscope use on Infinity (Idea Elan). It is the responsibility of the user to accurately log all use. 

Fees structure is below:

-Microscope nameFees for subscribers ($/h)Fees for Non-subscribers ($/h)Fees for Governmental agencies and external AcademiaIndustrial Fee ($/h)
Inverted ConfocalQuorum Spinning Disk12355270
Inverted ConfocalZeiss LSM880 with AiryScan FAST306090120
Inverted ConfocalZeiss LSM800306090120
Inverted ConfocalLeica TCS SP5/ STED306090120
Upright Confocal and Multi-photonsZeiss LSM510/AxioImager M112355270
Inverted EpifluorescentDeltaVision Elite12355270
Inverted EpifluorescentZeiss AxioObserverZ12.551525
Inverted EpifluorescentZeiss AxioObserverD12.551525
Inverted EpifluorescentZeiss AxioObserver7-Apotome22.551525
Upright EpifluorescentZeiss AxioImagerM22.551525
Upright EpifluorescentLeica Thunder Imager2.551525
High throughputSartorius BioScience IncuCyte S31234
Stereo MicroscopeZeiss Stereo DiscoveryV202.551525
WorkstationsImage Analysis workstations 51525
Training and Technical SupportTraining and technical consultation with CBIA Core Staff5075112150


We are offering the option to OPT-IN for an annual subscription to the CBIA core facility in order to help regular users of the core to save money on their microscopy charges. This subscription provides preferential rates for both equipment access and for technical support from our microscopy specialists.Note that the subscription is not mandatory. To take advantage of this benefit, we ask you to register your lab for your annual subscription before March 29th, 2024.

The annual subscription fees will be billed at the beginning of the fiscal year (April 1st). 

The CBIA core subscription is OPTIONAL and available to all uOttawa and cross-appointed uOttawa principal investigators/personnel.

Subscription Fee at $475.00 per year per laboratory. This fee includes:

  • 200 hours on the widefield microscopes and Stereoscopes. After 200 hours, usage will be charged at $2.50/hour
  • Free pre-training consultation (30-45 min each)
  • Free 10h per lab of image analysis consulting.
  • Free trials on our microscope when necessary
  • Free access to Image Analysis workstations.
  • Free use of the BioWave for accelerated sample preparation.
  • Preferential rate on the LSM880 and LSM800 confocals: $30/hr.
  • Preferential rate on the Deltavision and Spinning Disk Live imaging systems: $12/hr.
  • Preferential rate on the Incucyte: $1/hr/slot.
  • Preferential rate on Instrument training: $50/hr

Check the "pricing" above for more detailed information about the fee-schedule for members.

All new subscription inquiries should be sent to [email protected]  before the training on an equipment is initiated.

All new users must provide contact information and decide on their subscription status for the current fiscal year before being granted access to facility resources. However, new laboratories may choose to opt in at a later date, pro-rated membership will be offered, but retroactive changes to fees are not permissible.

The CBIA core subscription is NOT mandatory. Check the pricing above for non-subscribers.

Contact us

Cell Biology and Image Acquisition Core Facility

Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa
RGN 3171
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5

[email protected]

Who to contact?

Core Director
John W.R. Copeland, PhD
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 8641

[email protected]

Microscopy specialist Senior and Facility Manager
Chloë van Oostende-Triplet, PhD
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 8376

[email protected]

Microscopy specialist
Liyuan Wang, PhD
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 8983

[email protected]