2020-21 university governance cohort

The Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa in collaboration with the Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program is hosting in 2020-2021 eight interns from four African countries as part of a training and applied research program in university governance.

This internship program is designed to strengthen the capacities  of high-potential administrators in African universities. The countries that participated in the internship program are Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Mauritania and Morocco.

The Centre is very happy to be hosting virtually the following interns for 2020-2021:

2020-21 university governance cohort

Abdoulaye Amadou DICKO

Abdoulaye Amadou Dicko

Sareya Moustapha Ghreib

Sareya Moustapha Ghreib

Racine Oumar N'diaye

Racine Oumar N'diaye

Liva Jackson Raharinaivo

Liva Jackson Raharinaivo

Hanta Rasataharifetra

Hanta Rasataharifetra

Haingoharinoro Oliniaina Razafindrangodona

Haingoharinoro Oliniaina Razafindrangodona