This research network focuses on the effect of social policies and the institutions that deploy them on the direction of human lives, as well as on the simultaneous influence of individuals, groups and institutions on social public action.

Social Policy Research Network


Social policies are examined here in terms of their nature, including the more common notions of needs, well-being, protection and social inclusion, which relate to issues of solidarity, justice, freedom and rights. They are also approached through the construction of social issues themselves and their conversion into policy objects, where ideas, actors and framings participate in their formulation and transformation.


  • Nathalie Burlone is Full Professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa in the Public Administration program. She is particularly interested in the development of public policies and the choice of public policy instruments. Her research analyzes the process of public policy development through the construction of social representations associated with public issues. Her work focuses on how public choices affect certain social groups and their life course and social interactions, the framework of end-of-life policies, the changes in the conception of family and existing family policies, the horizontality in the context of community actions, public health and public management renewal, and finally the public ethics and the choice of instruments.


  • Daniel BélandProfessor of Political Science and Director of the McGill Institute for Canadian Studies at McGill University. Holder of a doctorate in political sociology from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, he was a visiting professor at the University of Brême, the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Helsinki and a visiting researcher at Havard University and George Washington University, as well as the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. His research focuses on the transformations of fiscal federalism and social protection in contemporary societies. He has published more than 15 books and 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
  • María Verónica Elías is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the Department of Public Administration, College of Public Policy, at the University of Texas, San Antonio. Her research area is public administration theory and organization theory. Dr. Elías currently investigates epistemological and ontological issues in public administration as well as deliberative democracy and participatory processes with an emphasis on neighborhood improvement dynamics. Her research spans from the role of non-profit organizations in fostering citizenship in Colombia and Argentina, to processes of democratization in South America and immigration policy in the southern border of the United States. Dr. Elías is a research fellow with the Institute of Applied Phenomenology for Science and Technology (Canal Fulton, Ohio), sits in the Administration Theory and Praxis editorial board, and is a reviewer of several U.S. and international academic journals in the areas of public administration and policy.
  • Mélanie Bourquea professor in the Department of Social Work at the Universitéis du Québec en Outaouais. She specializes in the analysis of public policy transformations and cognitive analyses of public policy. More specifically, it focuses on citizenship, health and social services, family policies and income security policies. She is a member of the Population Health Research Network (consequencesRRSPQ), a regular member of the Centre for Research on Social Innovations (CRISES) and in charge of the UQO CRISES. Her most recent publications deal with the of reforms of Quebec's health and social services system on social workers and women living in a situation of residential instability.
  • Julia Mourão Permoser is Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science of the University of Innsbruck. Her research focuses on migration, religion, political theory, and the challenges that cultural, religious and moral pluralism pose to liberal democratic societies. She is currently a member of the research project “Postsecular Conflicts” (PI: Kristina Stoeckl), which investigates the role of transnational alliances of conservative actors in value-based political conflicts over life, family, and religious freedom. Her future project will deal with moral conflicts in the migration field.  Her most recent publications focus on Morality policies, religion and public policy, migration policy and civic integration.