The Connected Canada edited collection

a hand holding a cellphone taking a picture of buildings, with the logo Connected Canada overlay on the image
What does it mean to be a citizen in Canada in a digital context? What are the implications of this digital setting for citizens and policy making?

Citizenship in a Connected Canada: A Research and Policy Agenda

Edited by

Elizabeth Dubois and Florian Martin-Bariteau

with contributions from

Kent Aitken, Jane Bailey, Megan Beretta, Jacquie Burkell, Amanda Clarke, Alexander Dirksen, Michael Geist, Alfred Hermida, Mike Morden, Marina Pavlovic, Jonathan W. Penney, Adelina Petit-Vouriot, Priscilla Regan, Teresa Scassa, Leslie Regan Shade, Valerie Steeves, and Mary-Lynn Young.


Order with uOttawa Press 

Book cover

This interdisciplinary edited collection brings together scholars, activists, and policy makers to build consensus around what a connected society means for Canada. The collection offers insight on the state of citizenship in a digital context in Canada and proposes a research and policy agenda for the way forward.

This collection continues a unique conversation started as part of the Connected Canada initiative, launched in 2017, and extends the research agenda previously outlined in the Canadians in a Digital Context report. The chapters also summarize and synthesize existing work for a Canadian policy audience.

Part I examines the current landscape of digital civic participation and highlights some of the missing voices required to ensure an inclusive digital society. Part II explores the relationship between citizens and their political and democratic institutions, from government service delivery to academic and citizen engagement in policy making. Part III addresses key legal frameworks that need to be discussed and redesigned to allow for the building and strengthening of an inclusive society and democratic institutions.

This is a foundational resource for policy makers, students, and researchers interested in understanding the specific Canadian context of citizenship in a digital context. 


Citizenship in a Connected Canada

Introduction by Dr. Elizabeth Dubois and Dr. Florian Martin-Bariteau

Read the introduction

Part I. Building an Inclusive Society in a Digital Context

Part II. Building Democratic Institutions in a Digital Context

PART III. Rethinking Legal Frameworks for the Digital Context

Next Steps for a Connected Canada

Conclusion by Dr. Elizabeth Dubois and Dr. Florian Martin-Bariteau

Read the conclusion 

Canada 150 logo

This edited collection was supported by a Canada 150 Connection Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.