Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Book cover of the Law of Defamation
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

The Law of Defamation: Karen Eltis co-edits the new edition of the reference

Thomson Reuters has recently published "The Law of Defamation: Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, United States," a 2nd edition of compre…
Centre for Law, Technology and Society
David Murakami Wood
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

David Murakami Wood awarded Canada Research Chair in Critical Surveillance and Security Studies

A global thought leader looking at the role of surveillance in the Anthropocene, Dr. David Murakami Wood has been awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Cha…
Centre for Law, Technology and Society
PICCASO Award 2024
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

Canada’s privacy thought leader: Teresa Scassa wins PICCASO Canada Award

In recognition her exceptional thought leadership in Canadian information law and policy, Dr. Teresa Scassa has been bestowed the inaugural PICCASO Ca…