Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Justice balance
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

The Canadian Bar Association releases an AI ethics toolkit led by Karen Eltis

Professor Karen Eltis played a key role in the development of the “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Legal Practitioner” toolkit released by t…
Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Kelly Bronson Banner CDTS-CLTS
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

Kelly Bronson renewed as Canada Research Chair in Science and Society

A renowned scholar looking at the social and ethical dimensions of emerging technologies and their influence on society, Dr. Kelly Bronson has been re…
Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Castets Renard, Céline
Centre for Law, Technology and Society

Céline Castets-Renard awarded Canada Research Chair in International and Comparative Law of AI

A renowned academic on the legal dimensions of artificial intelligence, Dr. Céline Castets-Renard has been awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in I…