Ronan Pons is a Ph.D. candidate in Law at the Centre for Law, Technology and Society at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Céline Castets-Renard.
Ronan Pons' doctoral research focuses on the legal framework of artificial intelligence technologies to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals, particularly about the risks specific to AI. Particular importance is given to interdisciplinary collaboration, especially to technological sciences (mathematics and computer science).
Ronan Pons’ doctoral work is under co-tutelle with the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (France), supervised by Jessica Eynard at Institut de droit privé de Toulouse. He is pursuing his research as part of the French government research chair "Law, Accountability and Social Trust in AI" at ANITI ("Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute", ANR-3IA), chair of which he is also the coordinator. He is also an associate member of the University of Ottawa Research Chair in Accountable Artificial Intelligence in a Global Context.
Ronan Pons holds a bachelor's degree in private law and a master's degree in digital law from the Université de Toulouse (France). Before starting his thesis, he wrote his master’s thesis on the effectiveness of French and European law in protecting individuals against algorithmic discrimination.