Discover a variety of courses, moots, internships and research seminars in common law and civil law, and in English and French.

Students interested in Law and Technology at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law can enroll in: 

  • Courses, seminars and practicum during the Fall, January and Winter terms 
  • Internships in private sector, government and in our legal clinic CIPPIC (all year long) 
  • Directed Research Projects

One of the many advantages of studying law and technology at University of Ottawa is also to be able to benefit from our Faculty members’ international partners. We offer some selected courses that are joint initiatives of University of Ottawa and other leading law and technology universities (see the "international courses" tab).


In the tabs below,

  • CML courses are open to students enrolled in programs offered by the Common Law Section.
  • DRC courses are open to students enrolled in programs offered by the Civil Law Section. 
  • DCL courses are open to students enrolled in the LL.M. or Ph.D. in Law

Please contact your academic affairs officer to register for a course.