Our mobility program supports the next generation of thought leaders to present their research around the world.

The Centre for Law, Technology and Society’s Travel Bursaries seeks to encourage the participation of masters and doctorate students in scientific events and activities within Canada or internationally to present their research.

The purpose of these bursaries is to cover the cost of registration, transportation or accommodation for activities.


The amount and number of bursaries to be awarded by the director of the Centre will depend on the funds available.

This financial aid program is generously supported by donations made to the Centre. 


Applicants must be full-time graduate students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program at the University of Ottawa supervised by a CLTS Faculty member.

Students must demonstrate that their supervisor will also contribute by supporting their travel, preferably in an amount at least equal to the amount requested.  

Students are also encouraged to seek other sources of funding (e.g. Faculties’ Graduate Offices, associations, etc.) and provide the status of the application in the letter of request.

Students can apply more than once to this program and receive more than one travel bursary each year. 


Applications must be submitted by e-mail before the trip to [email protected], with a copy to the supervisor, and must include:  

  • Letter of request (in the body of the message)  
  • Proof of full-time registration (unofficial registration proof in PDF from uOcampus)
  • Proof of the activity (program, invitation) ;  
  • Provisional budget (anticipated costs, other financial support);  
  • Amount of the supervisor's contribution.

Students will have to submit receipts within 15 days of their return to Canada. More information will be provided in the notice of award.  

While applications can be submitted anytime, there are three campaigns by academic year: Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer. Centre’s affiliates will receive a message when the campaign is launched, and the deadline to apply to be considered in this campaign. Any application received after the deadline will be automatically considered in the next campaign. 

For more information

This bursary program is managed by the Centre for Law, Technology and Society.

For any questions regarding this program (eligibility, calendar, etc.), please reach out to the Centre at [email protected] .