The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is pleased to announce the 2024 Call for Nominations of the Chaire de recherche sur le Monde Francophone (CRMF) Program.

Timelines at a glance

Launch of Competition: March 11, 2024
Faculty Open Call and Selection Process: March – July 2024
OVPRI Deadline for Faculty Submissions: August 12, 2024
Notification of Results: October 2024
Estimated Start Date of the new Chairs: November 1, 2024 


Status: Open 

The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is inviting internal applications from university researchers, submitted through their faculty, in all of the University’s Strategic Areas of Research. The 2024 CRMF Call for Nominations is being launched at the same time as a joint call for University Research Chairs (see website for more details).

The purpose of the CRMF program is to:

  • Uphold and strengthen the University of Ottawa’s tradition of excellence in research on the Francophonie in three specific geographic areas: Ontario, in Canada (excluding Ontario), and around the world.  
  • Promote research on the Francophonie that ties into the University’s strategic areas of research.  
  • Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in research on the Francophonie.  
  • Foster the development and inclusion of new researchers on the Francophonie from here and elsewhere, at every level (master’s and Ph.D. students, postdocs, interns, researchers, and professors).
  • Ensure the internal and external visibility of CRMF research activities, especially through knowledge mobilization. 

The priority foci of the 2024 Call for Nominations includes:

  1. Partnership, with the goal to enable knowledge transfer, mobilization and impact through a partnered chair stream;  
  2. Fostering a culture of excellence, inclusion and diversity with a commitment to increasing the diversity of our chairholders in the four designated groups;  
  3. The support of research clearly linked to the University’s Strategic Areas of Research.   

The 2024 CRMF Call for Nominations will fund two (2) Partnered Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone (35,000$ per year for 5 years).

The Chairs’ research activities will:

  1. Align with the mandate of an identified Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC).  
  2. Align with one or more identified University Strategic Areas of Research.
  3. Include a commitment to a culture of inclusion, diversity, equity and excellence within the uOttawa research environment as outlined in the EDI Action Plan for Research.  

As part of their application, applicants will select the francophone geographical area (Ontario, Canada without Ontario, or around the world), the Tri-Agency and uOttawa Strategic Area of Research with which their work most closely aligns.  

One of the two awarded CRMF will be from members of the four designated groups (as outlined by the Canada Research Chair program): racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups.  

Faculty’s Research Office’s are required to launch an open call and a transparent selection process. Following the selection process, faculties can submit up to 2 applications to be adjudicated by the CRMF Steering Committee. Final approval of the new 2024 CRMF is made by the University of Ottawa’s Research Chairs Evaluation Committee (RCEC)

Eligibility criteria and terms

Eligibility Criteria  

For Applicants:  

  • Eligible applicants include regular full-time University of Ottawa professors, which includes APUO professors, affiliated Institute Scientists and Clinician Scientists with an academic appointment at uOttawa at the rank of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor.   
  • Note that former or current holders of a chair funded by the University of Ottawa are not eligible to apply for the 2024 CRMF Call for Nominations – for example: Canada Research Chair, Clinical Research Chair, Chaire de recherche sur le monde francophone, University Research Chair or Distinguished Research Chair. In addition, current holders of Endowed Research Chairs are not eligible to apply.  
  • Applications from individuals identifying in one or more of the four designated groups (racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups) are encouraged. 

For Partners:  

  • Partners must be external to uOttawa (including external to faculties, departments, centres, institutes and affiliated hospital-based research institutes) and may include non-profit organisations, government organizations and private sector partners.  
  • The partner organization must be at arm’s length (independent) from uOttawa and the applicant.
  • Partnerships can be new or existing and will include the optimization of the use of resources and skills for both parties. For more information, see Evaluation Process section.  

Terms and funding

The “Chaires de Recherche sur le Monde Francophone” have a five-year term, which can be renewed once, subject to the recommendation from the Faculty Dean, and the University of Ottawa’s Research Chairs Evaluation Committee. For these chair in partnership, the term renewal is also subject to continuing partnership and availability of partner funds.

  • Funding – Partnered chairs: Chairholders will receive an annual allocation of $35,000 in research funds for the duration of their mandate ($20,000 per year should be coming from the selected partner, and $15,000 per year will come from OVPRI and up to $5K of this budget may be used as a salary supplement to the nominee). 

Nomination process

Teaching Release

CRMF chairholders may be eligible for teaching release of a one-semester course (two to three credits/year) as negotiated with the Dean of the Faculty.

End of Chair mandate

The University provides two additional years from the end date of the chair to expend any residual funds remaining in the research account. No extension will be granted beyond this period.