The application must be submitted by the full-time professor from the University of Ottawa who has nominated the researcher, and must be sponsored by a Chairholder of the Collège des Chaires. All full-time professors are invited to submit applications to nominate Francophonie researchers. The application must include the following documents:
- A nomination letter, signed by the professor submitting the nomination, describing the reasons for inviting the researcher, as well as the anticipated spinoffs for the unit’s research activities and student learning. The University of Ottawa professor must clearly commit to helping to organize the stay and the activities of the person they are nominating as the Francophone Mobility Chair, and nomination documents must clearly reflect this commitment to collaborate.
- A letter of sponsorship signed by a Chairholder of the Collège des Chaires, confirming their support for the candidacy and specifying the researcher's expected contribution to the Collège's activities.
- A detailed description of the nominee’s research interests, their involvement in projects or their research network, and how their research will add to the University of Ottawa’s current research expertise on the Francophonie.
- A description of the activities they have planned for their stay at the University of Ottawa, specifically their program, jointly designed by the nominee and the uOttawa professor nominating them, consisting mainly of research and knowledge mobilization activities (e.g., research presentations, lectures, meetings with potential partners). The individual is expected to integrate minimally into the College's activities, and to plan an activity open to the knowledge-sharing community, in collaboration with the College of Chairs and its chairholders. We do not recommend that teaching activities be included since the purpose of this chair is to focus on research.
- The budget should specify: a) the length of stay, including the approximate arrival and departure dates; b) travel expenses for the guest researcher and how they will be assisted; c) any other funding solicited as part of the nomination that would enhance the research activities planned for the stay.
- The guest researcher’s resumé.
The Francophone Mobility Chair program will not cover education-related expenses (e.g., summer school, recurring seminars, courses) that the guest researcher may want to pursue during their research stay on campus.