The Collège des chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone (CCRMF) of the University of Ottawa welcomes international researchers as part of its Francophone Mobility Chairs program. Recognized as leading experts in their respective fields, these chairholders spend several months on our campus to hold workshops, give lectures, and collaborate in research and knowledge mobilization on the Francophonie.

Martine Lagacé

“Each guest chairholder brings a new perspective and an opportunity to enrich our knowledge, thanks to a shared love of the French language.”

Martine Lagacé

— Associate vice-president, research promotion and development

Fabienne Martin-Juchat

Fabienne Martin-Juchat

Fabienne Martin-Juchat is a professor of information science and communication at Université Grenoble Alpes, France. She takes an anthropological approach to body language and emotional communication, particularly in terms of health-care technologies.

As a guest of Professor Sylvie Grosjean, who holds the International Francophonie Research Chair on Digital Health Technologies, Fabienne Martin-Juchat will spend her time at uOttawa in the spring of 2025 strengthening collaborations with our researchers on issues involving the design and use of AI-based technologies in health care.

Cristina Ferreira

Cristina Ferreira

Cristina Ferreira holds a doctorate in sociology and is an associate professor at the Haute École de Santé Vaud in Lausanne, Switzerland. She takes a sociohistorical approach to her research, which focuses on the institutional use of forensic psychiatry. Over the past few years, thanks to support from the Fonds national suisse (FNS), a Swiss national fund, she has conducted research on restriction and assistance measures, and on the contemporary history of forensic expertise in civil and correctional contexts.

During her stay at uOttawa, she will focus on comparing legal frameworks, and the uses and applications of restraint in psychiatry in both Swiss and Canadian Francophonies, in collaboration with Professor Emmanuelle Bernheim, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Mental Health and Access to Justice.

Adélie Pomade

Adélie Pomade

Adélie Pomade is a senior lecturer at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, France. As an expert on public participation in environmental decision-making, she conducts research at the intersection of legal theory, environmental rights and the sociology of law. She explores participative methods and legal tools that allow for public participation in decisions, as well as non-legal partnerships to improve such participation.

During her stay at the University of Ottawa, she will continue a project on public participation in the decision processes surrounding environmental law, examining and comparing Canadian Francophone and European perspectives, a project in partnership with Professor Sophie Thériault of the Faculty of Law. She also intends to hold events to disseminate the results of her research with professors Thomas Burelli and François Larocque.

Constance Devereaux

Constance Devereaux

As an educator, researcher and consultant, Constance Deveraux works in the field of cultural management and policy. She focuses on cultural sustainability issues and critiques of policies that prioritize economic factors rather than culture and community. She has been named a Fulbright Senior Specialist in cultural policies and management for several countries and has worked with marginalized cultural groups to strengthen cultural integrity through related management strategies and policies.

During her stay, she will conduct research on the culture, identity and survival of French Canadians in New England and will organize several events with the support of Professor Jonathan Paquette, who holds the International Francophonie Research Chair on Cultural Heritage Policies.

Doudou Dièye GUEYE

Doudou Dièye GUEYE

Doudou Dièye GUEYE is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Sociology of the University Assane Seck de Ziguinchor, Senegal. His work focuses on migrations, and more specifically on the “irregular migration industry” in the southern cross-border region of Senegal. As a researcher, he has participated in several international research programs, such as the “Gender, Return Migration and Reintegration in the Gambia, Guinea and Senegal” study sponsored by the Swiss Network for International Studies, and the “Complex Migration Flows and Multiple Drivers in Comparative Perspective (MEMO)” project with the University of Toronto.

At the University of Ottawa, he will be sponsored by Professor Luisa Veronis, who holds the Chair on Immigration and Franco-Ontarian Communities. They will strengthen their collaboration on issues of mobility and the Francophonie in Western Africa.

Christophe Alcantara

Christophe Alcantara

Christophe Alcantara is a university lecturer specializing in information science and communication at the Université Toulouse Capitole, in France. He is an expert in digital reputation and assistant director of the Institut de droit de l’espace, des territoires, de la culture et de la communication (IDETCOM), an institute dedicated to the rights surrounding spaces, territories, culture and communication. His most recent work focuses on the cultural, historic, heritage and political issues surrounding the famous thousand-year-old pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

During his stay at uOttawa, he will be hosted by Professor Jonathan Paquette, who holds the International Francophonie Research Chair on Cultural Heritage Policies. They will collaborate on the topic of traditional routes in Francophone spaces and intend to organize several events to share and disseminate their findings on the topic.