- Uphold and strengthen the University of Ottawa’s tradition of excellence in research on the Francophonie in Ontario, in Canada, and around the world.
- Promote research on the Francophonie that ties into the University’s strategic areas of research.
- Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in research on the Francophonie.
- Foster the development and inclusion of new researchers on the Francophonie from here and elsewhere, at every level (master’s and Ph.D. students, postdocs, interns, researchers, and professors).
- Ensure the internal and external visibility of CRMF research activities, especially through knowledge mobilization.

Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone
The Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone program aims to invigorate research on the Francophonie.
Program objectives
Current research areas

Francophonie in Canada (excluding Ontario)

University of Ottawa Senghor Chair
Vacant, in process of being filled
Francophone Mobility Chairs
As part of the Chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone initiative, the University of Ottawa has created the Francophone Mobility Chairs program to support international researchers who would like to spend time at the University of Ottawa.
Learn more about the Francophone Mobility Chairs