The Canadian Francophonie Research Chair in Language Rights was created in 2018. It aims to advance critical examination of the legal frameworks that protect Canada’s official-language minority communities and Indigenous language communities and to make a tangible contribution to the development of law in this area.

Research program

The Chair’s mission is two-fold: it pursues both research and action. It first aims to document, analyze, and comment on current legal developments in the field of language rights by studying relevant decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada and other Canadian courts, reports by various language commissioners, draft legislation, and parliamentary studies. It also examines secondary literature dealing with official-language minority communities in a variety of disciplines, including public law, political science, history, and sociology. It then applies its research by taking an active role in designing and implementing the constitutional, legislative, and jurisprudential standards that govern language rights.



COVID-19 : les leçons à tirer de la pandémie pour la modernisation de la Loi sur les langues officielles, en partenariat avec la Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada. The research team (F. Larocque and L. Cardinal) examined the linguistic failures during the COVID-19 health crisis in order to learn from them and feed into the proposal of relevant wording in the context of the modernization of the Official Languages Act. SSHRC Grant. Amount: $24,991. 

L'Ontario français expliqué par les immigrants et les immigrantes francophones. Co-investigators: M. Jezak, L. Veronis et F. Larocque et G. Deschenes-Thériault. RIFO Grant. Amount: $15,000.

Droits, langues et communautés : mélanges en honneur du professeur Pierre Foucher. Co-investigators: F. Larocque, S. Chouinard et F. Charbonneau. FAPOF Grant. Amount: $5,000.