Created in 2020, the Chair aims to study the use and design of health technologies by Francophones (e.g., tele-homecare, tele-consultations, wearable technologies and smart sensors, and AI technologies).

Research program

The Chair aims to foster a better understanding of issues related to the use and design of digital health technologies, in light of the specific challenges that Francophones face. Using a co-design methodology, Sylvie Grosjean seeks to determine, among other things, the conditions under which health tech solutions are acceptable, or not, in order to incorporate them into the design of these health technologies. The aim is not so much to focus solely on the technological device itself but rather to carefully consider the acceptability criteria for new practices that are linked to or arise from the use of digital health technologies in a French-speaking context. The research program has three foci:

  1. Identifying the reasons and criteria that make a digital health technology socially acceptable to French-speaking users (in Canada and France).
  2. Developing a co-design methodology and proposing design and evaluation tools for these digital health technologies that take into account the criteria that make them acceptable to Francophones and facilitate their integration into care practices.
  3. Assessing how well the co-design methodology and proposed design and evaluation tools can be transferred to other French-speaking countries.

Taking a sociotechnical approach, Sylvie Grosjean explores the complex relationships between technology and society to understand how digital health technologies can be integrated into clinical and care practices. Her co-design methodology is narrative, negotiated, and focussed on interaction, allowing us to think collectively about social practices, consider how to ensure that knowledge is explicit, and bring a shared reality to light. She will use various complementary methods involving key actors (e.g., health professionals, patients, researchers, designers) to meet the objectives of the three research foci.



Understanding healthcare access barriers and health and community resource information needs of Official Language Minority Communities across Canada - exploring the interaction of minority language status, and cultural and community contexts. (Co-investigator).CIHR Catalyst Grant – Official Language Minority Communities in Health Research (CLOSM). Amount: $99,740. 2022-2023. Principal investigator: Dr. S. Johnston. Other co-investigators: Dr. W. Hogg, Dr. R. Webster

Définir l'avenir des services de santé numériques avec les francophones en situation minoritaire de l’Ontario : une approche de co-design pour comprendre les usages et l’acceptabilité sociale des technologies numériques de santé (PI). CNFS Secrétariat national Grant. Amount: $39,942 $. Other co-investigators: Lysanne Lessard (TELFER) and Emilie Dionne (CIUSSS, Québec).

Canada’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Impact on Homeless or At-Risk for Homelessness, and Visible Minority Populations in Canada: A Mixed-Method Study (Co-investigator). Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Response for $223,030. 2020-2022. PI: Dr. Smita Pakhale (The Ottawa Hospital).

Mentallys: vers un service unique de cybersanté mentale de première ligne pour la dépression et l’anxiété. (Co-investigator). (In French). Fonds de Recherche du Québec (Programme intersectoriel Audace), Amount: $100,000. 2020-2023. PI: Stéphane Vial (UQAM).

CPIN COVID: An innovative, iterative, and integrated collaboration between public health, primary care, and patients to help our communities navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic (Co-investigator). Association médicale universitaire de l’Hôpital Montfort. Amount: $64,450. 2020-2022. PI: Dr John Joanisse. Other co-investigators: Dr Sharon Johnston, Dr William Hogg, Dr Magaly Brodeur.

Integrated Parkinson Care Networks (iCARE-PD): addressing complex care in Parkinson disease in contemporary society (Co-investogator), ICHR Grant. Amount: $348,651. EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research Amount: $2,558,334. 2018-2022. PI: Dr. Tiago Mestre (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa Brain & Mind Institute).

Faire un examen clinique en contexte de télémédecine : vers de nouveaux modes d’interaction avec les patients? (Projet TeleMed) (Co-investigator). Association médicale universitaire de l’Hôpital Montfort Grant. Amount: $96,363. 2018-2022. Other co-investigators: Dr. Richard Waldolf, Pr. Bonneville, Pr. Nahon-Serfaty, Pr. Matte, Pr. Cherba, J. Boileau.

Interactions soignants-patients et reconfigurations des inégalités sociales de santé (Co-investogator). Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (France). Amount: $300,527.41 $ (199,224 €). 2018-2022. PI: Pr. Anne Mayère (IFERISS, Toulouse, France).