The primary research objective is to examine data literacy and the ways in which it is integral for tackling the big scientific, social, political, and cultural questions.

Research objectives

The primary research objective of the Data Literacy Research Institute is to examine data literacy and how it is integral for tackling the big scientific, social, political, and cultural questions. Experts come together to create interdisciplinary research programs focused on

  1. Identifying the current effects of weak data literacy for the layperson to the expert in areas such as misinformation and decision-making;
  2. Understanding existing barriers to training and access; and
  3. Developing interventions, recommendations, best practices, and guidance to minimize the growing divide brought on by disparities in individual competencies with data.

Research Strategic Areas

We will develop research programs in five core strategic areas: 

Big data and artificial intelligence

Investigate the relationship between data literacy and the ability to generate robust evidence from big data. This implicates research about the nature of inference, prediction, and interpretation, as well as how practices of data literacy will be affected by artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

Data security, infrastructure, and architecture

Examine the factors that drive best practices, culture change, awareness, and researcher compliance surrounding data management excellence. Demonstrate how data literacy serves as a means to improve understanding. 

Democratization and ethical use of data

Study the ways in which data literacy is integral to discussions examining the equitable and inclusive use of data, with particular attention to data ownership and privacy (e.g., in line with the First Nation’s OCAP principles).

Education and training

Identify best practices for teaching data skills, promote awareness of effective approaches in research management, and determine whether data literacy training improves the ability to appraise and interpret data-driven information.  

Evidence-based decision-making

The utility of empirical findings derived from research to inform decision-making requires a level of competency with data. Identify the effects of limited data literacy on the knowledge dissemination and translation of data-driven evidence, as well as knowledge consumption by decision-makers.


Publications will be posted here.