Education and research in Canada’s Francophonie: the University of Ottawa presents a brief to the Quebec government

By University of Ottawa

Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, OVPRI

Research and innovation
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During a summit that aims to strengthen ties between Canada’s Francophonies, the University of Ottawa presented a brief entitled L’Université d’Ottawa : une institution de formation et de recherche en français et un partenaire pour le Québec [The University of Ottawa: an institution for training and research in French and a partner for Quebec]. The summit was jointly hosted by the Quebec government and the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA), an association representing Francophone and Acadian communities in Canada.

In its brief (PDF, 257 KB), the University of Ottawa invites the Quebec government to strengthen ties between the province and Francophone institutions by focusing on three key areas. The first is sustainable funding: the Quebec government was asked to officialize its current collaborations with Quebecois researchers and Francophone researchers in Canada, including those at the University of Ottawa, to ensure better support for such collaborations. Second, the University proposes the creation of a consortium of research on the Francophonie, with support from the Quebec government, to better coordinate key research strengths. Third, the University recommends that funding for research in French and on the Francophonie be diversified: it encourages the Quebec government to review and, ideally, to increase its funding for researchers who study the Canadian Francophonie in order to support partnerships, exchanges, and knowledge mobilization on this topic.

All these reflections on the issues surrounding postsecondary education, training, and Francophone research aim to strengthen ties between Quebec and the University of Ottawa community.  The brief also highlights the role the University plays as a beacon in the world of education and research within Canada’s Francophonie and stresses the common missions and challenges that affiliate the University with Quebec society.

The goal is to encourage the full professional and cultural development of Francophones, to promote the French language in Quebec and in Canada, and to nurture the vitality of Francophone communities in Ontario and across Canada.

This brief was jointly prepared by the Office of the Vice-President, Research, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, International and Francophonie, and the Collège des chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone. It will be made public within the context of consultations, running from June 12 to June 17, which the Quebec government initiated with a view to renewing its policy on the Canadian Francophonie. These consultations have gathered together hundreds of Francophonie leaders from across Canada.