Read more about the travel grants and eligibility criteria.

The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the University of Ottawa.

Funds are limited and will be distributed to eligible applicants on a first come, first serve basis. 

Research travel grants

If you are currently enrolled to the Thesis option in a program offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and planning on going on a Research Stay, you may be eligible for a travel grant. Consult the relevant section below for more details on eligibility criteria.

Conference travel grants

Please note that this procedure is under review, a new application procedure will be announced in Fall 2019.

If you are planning to present a publication directly related to your thesis at a conference, you may be eligible for a travel grant. Eligible students include Master’s with thesis option students; Master’s with Research Paper option students; doctoral students and students enrolled in a “fast-track” program, subject to the availability of funds. Consult the relevant section below for more details on eligibility criteria.