The EDI Action Plan for Research was created through a participatory process, including the realization of an environmental scan on the current status of EDI in research informed by uOttawa actors who are directly involved in research and are able to influence a culture of equity in research within our University community. The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) established an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to provide advice on the development and implementation of this action plan. In parallel, the OVPRI signed and committed to the Dimensions Charter, and to joining the first Dimensions EDI Canada pilot cohort to help co-develop and participate in the recognition program.
The Action Plan builds on foundational EDI work undertaken by the Office of Vice-President, Research and Innovation, such as the 2017-2019 Canada Research Chairs Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan (PDF, 984 KB) and the 2019 recommendations of the OVPR IDÉE (Inclusion – Diversité – Équité – Excellence) Ad-Hoc Committee; work of the Special Advisor to the uOttawa President; and the EDI for Research Advisory committee. It is instrumental in achieving the objectives of the uOttawa Strategic Research Plan, 2020-2025. Learn more about uOttawa’s Canada Research Chairs Equity Mission Statement and Action Plan Progress Reports (PDF, 265 KB)
The CRC EDI Action Plan, as well as other EDI initiatives, are part of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan for Research.