
Despite data increasingly being used to advance equity in education, students with and seeking refugee protection (SWSRP) are largely invisible in education data. This presentation highlights the findings of an assessment of the needs of SWSRP in primary and secondary education in Canada. The methods involved the use of experts, a literature review, and a review of public data. Five areas of need were identified: education access, accelerated education, language education, mental health and psychosocial support, and special education. Rates of needs varied by a range of factors. Insights into responsively supporting SWSRP across Canadian education systems will be discussed.
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Picture of Valerie Schutte

Valerie Schutte

Conference speaker

Affiliate Researcher at CRECS

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Date and time
Nov 16, 2023
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
General public