
About the Event:

Date : March 11, 2025 from 12:00 to 1:30.

Room: FSS 4004

Guest Speaker : Amandine Orsini, Professor of Political Science UC Louvain

Short bio of the Guest Speaker: Amandine Orsini is Professor of Political Science since October 2012 at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles. In 2009, she received a PhD in Political Science, specialisation Comparative Politics/International Relations from Sciences Po Bordeaux.During her PhD, she was visiting fellow at Keele University (10 months in 2005-2006, Marie-Curie fellowship) and at Warwick University (4 months in 2007, Garnet fellowship). After her PhD she obtained two post-doc contracts including a research mandate at the FNRS (Belgium research institution) she spent at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). In 2011, she developed part of her research at the Graduate Institute of Geneva (one month, COST action IS0802 fellowship), and in 2019 a scientific mission of one year at the  European University Institute, Florence (12 months, FNRS funding). In January 2020 and January 2021 she has been Visiting Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble and in Octobre 2021 Visiting Professor at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS). She has been guest Professor at ULB from 2010 until 2022. Since September 2024 she is also Research Chair FSR-UCLouvain for her project on ‘Global Cleav-Age: permanent and climate diplomacy through the prism of age’ (2024-2026).

Host/Moderator : Daniel Daniel Stockemer, Professor, School of Political Studies

Summary : How can academic research inform the wider public about important global dynamics? This straightforward question directly relates to the “Youth engagement in biodiversity, the SDGs & climate politics” Storymap, an online narrative map created in January 2025. The Storymap contains information about how youth have been contributing to develop advocacy for global environmental governance. While the media insists on youth protests, the Storymap introduces the youth who participate within international negotiations, their identities and views. The talk explains how the Storymap was developed, and how it is meant to empower people by informing them on youth dynamics to tackle the triple global environmental crisis. The talk therefore offers a broader reflection on the societal impacts of academia. 

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Mar 11, 2025
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
In person
Social Sciences Building (FSS), room 4004
Q&A bilingual
Researchers, Students, General public
Organized by
Konrad Adenauer Research Chair, Centre on Governance