Voices in Exile: Activists-in-Exile Workshop

The Voices in Exile Workshop, scheduled for September 25-27 at the University of Ottawa, is a significant gathering that brings together activists-in-exile, policymakers, and civil society organizations from across Canada. This 2.5-day event is dedicated to building relationships, sharing experiences, and inspiring policy and practical changes in the support for activists-in-exile. The workshop aims to transform perceptions, recognizing these individuals not just as refugees but as vital agents of change and important sources of knowledge.


25.04.2024 — Welcome Reception

A formal reception designed for preliminary networking and introductions among participants.

26.04.2024 — Day 1

Morning: Welcome and introductions, with participant-led asset mapping and community building exercises.

Afternoon: Group sessions to identify challenges and brainstorm actionable solutions.

27.04.2024 — Day 2

Morning: Continued networking and detailed asset mapping to connect available resources with project ideas.

Afternoon: Final ideation focused on linking assets to initiatives, strategic planning for next steps, and a reflection session to conclude the workshop.

Date and time
Apr 26, 2024 to Apr 27, 2024
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Format and location
In person
Private event by invitation only.