SH800 Cell Sorter
The FCV Core Facility currently houses the following instruments: BD LSRFortessa SORP, BD Celesta, Beckman Coulter MoFlo Astrios, and an AutoMACS Pro Magnetic Cell Separator (located at OHRI).
Instrument specifications
- 80mW 405 nm (Violet)
- 50mW 488 nm (Blue)
- 30mW 561 nm (Yellow-Green)
- 50mW 640 nm (Red)
Sample loading options
- 12x75mm (5 ml) FACS tubes, 1.5 ml Eppendorf, 0.5ml Eppendorf, 15 ml conical
Sort collection options
- Two-way sorting: 15 ml conical or 12x75 mm (5 ml) FACS tubes (polypropylene)
- Single population or single-cell: 96 well,
Sort options
- 100 um microfluidics chip (default)
- 70 um microfluidics chip