
Forum 2018

The objectives of this forum were: 

  1. To identify the top issues to address around age-friendly (A-F) health care, A-F homes, A-F retail and A-F air travel;
  2. To develop questions and actions that necessitate integrated approaches;
  3. To foster the development and continued collaboration of teams for research and policy change;

20 key research projects/questions were identified for potential collaborations around the forum`s four main pillars 

  1. Age-friendly health care 
  2. Age-friendly homes
  3. Age-friendly retail
  4. Age-friendly air travel

The four pillars were chosen as the result of a similar Forum held in 2016, where health care, home care, retail and air travel were identified as key to improving the quality of life for older Canadians. A summary of the top issues on each of the four pillars as identified through grey and scientific literature was given to all attendees. 

Forum Summary - Advancing collaborations

LIFE Research Institute

LIFE Research Institute

Date and time
May 23, 2018
All day
Format and location