Call for Nominations – Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue Professorship on Public Policy

The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) at the University of Ottawa is soliciting internal nominations for a Professorship on public policy funded through the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue.


The Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue Professorship on Public Policy is an initiative born of the collaboration between the Office of Public Policy Research and Outreach (OPPRO) and the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue (ATFD). The Professorship will rely on the expertise of University of Ottawa researchers to promote academic knowledge and research on the design and implementation of public policies.

Under the leadership of the OPPRO, the ATFD provides University researchers with opportunities to work with government officials and other partners through research and knowledge mobilization that address complex public policy challenges.

The Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue Professorship on Public Policy aims to support research that has a significant impact on public policy. The holder will be called upon to actively participate in OPPRO initiatives in order to contribute to its mission.

The Professorship aims to leverage the University’s prime location in the National Capital Region, create an environment conducive to research, and position the University of Ottawa as a vector for change in evidence-informed public policy, especially at the federal level, without excluding collaborations with other levels of government, or with local, regional or international organizations involved in public policy.

The Professorship holder must undertake a research program that would have a significant impact on public policy and/or that aims to study, analyze and interpret one or more aspects of public policy. The holder must devote all the proposed Professorship resources to research, to organizing research activities, and to disseminating the knowledge gained and the research findings on the topic.

The holder must also demonstrate their ability and commitment to actively promoting a culture of equity, diversity, inclusion and excellence within the research environment at the University of Ottawa, as specified in the University’s EDI Action Plan for Research.

Eligibility criteria

This call for nominations is open to regular professors at the University of Ottawa.

We encourage members of groups that are under-represented in research, including women, Indigenous persons, members of visible minorities and/or racialized groups, persons living with disabilities and members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community to apply, in English or French.

Individuals who currently hold, or have held, a research chair funded by the University of Ottawa (such as a University Research Chair or a Distinguished Research Chair, a Chaire de recherche sur le monde Francophone, or other) are not eligible for this Professorship.

Moreover, individuals who currently hold any other research chair at the University of Ottawa (such as an endowed chair or Canada Research Chair) are not eligible for this Professorship during the term of their chair.

Length of term and funding

The holder of the Professorship will receive an annual grant of $25,000 in research funding for three years, which corresponds to the length of the term (renewable for a maximum of two additional years on condition of producing satisfactory reports).

The holder commits to writing a short annual report (one or two pages) and, after three years, a detailed report (including narrative and financial details) that describes the research activities and results, and their dissemination, which the Professorship has made possible. These reports will be submitted to the OPPRO, to the Office of the Dean of the faculty concerned, and to the vice-president, Research and Innovation.

Nomination procedure

Teaching release

The holder of the Professorship may be eligible for teaching release, as negotiated with the dean of their faculty.

End of term for the Professorship

The University may grant two additional years from the end of the Professorship term in order to expend residual funding. No further extensions will be granted.

For questions, contact the OPPRO at [email protected]