Funding opportunities
Collaborating with uOttawa opens the doors to numerous funding opportunities to support talent, research, innovation and professional development.

NSERC Alliance
The NSERC Alliance grants supports small to large scale collaborative research projects between industry and university research teams.

OCI – Collaborate 2 Commercialize Program
The Collaborate 2 Commercialize (C2C) program supports the collaboration between academia and industry to drive the commercialization of intellectual property.

SSHRC Partnership Grants
SSHRC Partnership grants support formal partnerships between academic researchers, businesses and other partners that will advance knowledge and understanding on critical issues of intellectual, social, economic and cultural significance.

NSERC Idea to Innovation (I2I)
The NSERC I2I grants are designed to provide scientific or engineering evidence that establishes the technical feasibility of a technology, process or product.

Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS)
The IDEaS program provides five funding mechanisms to assist Canadian innovators in solving defence and security challenges.

OVIN R&D Partnership Funds
The R&D Partnership Funds supports collaborative research projects, between industry and academia, related to the development, testing, validation, and demonstration of connected and autonomous vehicle and smart mobility technologies.
Access talent

Mitacs has various funding programs to support students, postdocs, and recent graduates working with industry.

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
IRAP can enable students or recent graduates to work with industry on business, technical or technology-related projects.
Upskill your Team

Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)
The COJG provides direct financial support to individual employers or employer consortia who wish to purchase training for their employees.